On 30/08/16 18:45, Percy wrote:
https://crt.sh is down. Maybe someone can check with comodo to see whether they 
got DDOSed?

Sorry about that.  crt.sh is back up now.

It wasn't a DDOS attack.

Every so often something goes awry with the database replication (between crt.sh's master database and front-end slave databases), which causes all of the front-end databases to crash. Somebody (usually me, but I've been out for most of today) is normally around to restart the crashed databases. I don't know why our NOC team didn't fix this several hours ago, but I intend to find out. Perhaps there are some improvements we need to make to our internal monitoring systems.

Here are the Google CT for the possibly mis-issued certs mentioned in this 
thread. It would be a lot harder to take down the Google CT.

I can't disagree with that statement.  :-)

That said, I'll see what I can do to improve crt.sh's uptime. I already have one offer of help...

Possible fake cert for Github

Possible fake cert for Alibaba, the largest commercial site in China

Possible fake cert for Microsoft

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online
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