To the policymakers at Mozilla, my name is Samuel Pinder.
I consider myself an computer network analyst and have a degree in Web Systems 
Development. I also host a small number of websites on a technical level. I 
have used Startcom's services for a number of years. I only recently came 
across WoSign when I discovered that they offer 3-year valid certificates for 
free for up to 5 hostnames. That seemed quite an excessively long time in my 
opinion for a free certificate, almost too good to be true. As a customer of 
effectively both WoSign and Startcom, I have been having gradually growing 
concerns for some time about their recent practices and this recent news has 
not helped. I am currently looking into using other CA's for my needs but will 
watch what happens next closely before making a decision. I firmly believe 
WoSign have almost 'purchased' Startcom as I noticed that the nameserver domain 
for (namely would bring up WoSign's website for a 
time when accessed via a web browser as I personally 
emailed Eddy Nigg (Startcom founder) about this, and this was eventually 
changed to redirect to So it is obvious that WoSign is 
hosting/sharing Startcom's infrastucture on it's own CA hardware/software, 
which Eddie confirmed in his email reply. The SSL certificate at the time for had expired for over a week and still does have many broken 
links. Using the 'Live Chat' on had a very confused employee 
tell me that is no longer the website for Startcom, but is. I stressed that this was confusing to people and that they 
should redirect the latter if that's the case. However... remains 
using Israeli-based nameservers. Just how closely related Startcom is to WoSign 
is unknown, but it does mean that almost anything that renders WoSign 
vulnerable, also applies to Startcom. I would hope that Startcom re-evaluate 
their relationship with WoSign following this mess at the very least.
Regarding WoSign in particular, the SHA-1 miss-issued certificates does look 
like a genuine mistake, being issued off of an SHA-2 intermediate makes their 
existence rather pointless in the case of backward compatibility, as old 
operating systems need a whole SHA-1 chain to validate properly. So there is no 
obvious motive for this API functionality to be left there on purpose, 
unless.... a rogue employee/subcontractor left it in place for when a SHA-1 
hash collision becomes possible? What is likely here is that SHA-1 used to be 
the default signature choice, and was indeed legacy functionality left behind. 
It is very concerning however that despite WoSign having an external audit 
(which all CA's are meant to have) it appears nobody has independently 
performed a code audit of their API backend to prevent this being possible in a 
production environment. With regards to the mis-issued certificates applying to 
whole base domains validated only sub-domain, that prospect is horrifying. With 
regards to WoSign's API following 301 redirects from one domain to another 
though, I have noticed that Let's Encrypt's API (another CA at 
also has this behaviour. This may be standard behaviour of the ACME protocol. 
Perhaps it would be prudent to decide in overall policy whether 301 redirects 
of verification URLs are acceptable. There are legitimate reasons why this 
would happen, for example if a customer owned and, but wanted the latter to always redirect to the other 
(because for example of a name change, but had many hardcoded https:// links), 
they would otherwise have to temporarily disable the redirect to get an SSL 
certificate covering both domains when validating with this method. With 
regards to ports other than 80 and 443 and 8080 being used for validation, I 
think the motive of this is because China has a mandatory media licencing 
requirement (ICP licence) for all servers that operate on either ports. It may 
not be practical for an individual in China to get one of these licences just 
to be able to gain an SSL certificate with this validation method. Of course 
allowing higher numbered ports does not give much excuse. I tested WoSign's 
website today however and can confirm that they have removed URL-based file 
verification, and now only allow DNS or email (from WHOIS) validation. All 
that's well and good, but the fact remains that there could be many other 
mis-issued certificates already in existence and the scope remains unknown at 
this point just how many. We only have WoSign's word that all of the mis-issued 
certificates are known and/or revoked. If it cannot be certain that WoSign have 
revoked all incorrectly-validated certificates, then the obvious choice is to 
add the "WoSign CA Free SSL Certificate G2" intermediate to OneCRL, and 
possibly their DV intermediate too, as these intermediates are known to have 
mis-issued certificates whilst their other intermediates have always had 
tighter validation requirements for OV and EV validation. That approach would 
certainly be painful for existing users and would require WoSign to immediately 
contact current and past customers to have new certificates issued from a new 
intermediate, once it is certain that all the bugs in the validation procedures 
have been resolved. Would it be appropriate to give customers time before such 
action is taken, given that it would break many websites, or does the risk of 
data leaks from unknown mis-issued certificates outweigh the need to give 
customers time? The other option of simply preventing any newly-issued 
certificates from being accepted in browers does not seem a very good idea 
given that WoSign have been known to backdate certificates. In fact, I would 
even suggest that WoSign cease issuing free certificates (and most possibly 
paid DV certificates) and in the meantime have an independent audit of their 
backend to ensure all vulnerablities are closed, with the results made public. 
Only then should 
they recommence issuance- at least on an automated scale. GlobalSign did 
something similar to this when there was speculation that the hacker 
responsible for compromising Diginotar had also breached them, at great risk to 
their business but ultimately gained respect in the process. Given the severity 
of these incidents and the fact they went unreported though I would not be 
surprised if WoSign's whole roots are blacklisted eventually if WoSign do not 
get their act together. The promise to completely commit to Certificate 
Transparency is quite a step, but it does not change what has already happened. 
WoSign's recent announcement gives me the impression they expect others to 
manually scour the CT logs once they upload their 2015 certificate data for 
mis-issuances that need revoking rather than do this themselves. Whilst it may 
*technically* be 'transparent' with CT, they don't seem in the spirit of things 
being completely transparent with their practices- in particular the 
relationship between Startcom and WoSign. At least one of these incidents 
actually occurred during research into Startcom, and it turned out the API was 
being shared by both CA's. Given the circumstances, I think it is appropriate 
to ask just what the relationship is between them. For me, it appears they are 
now one and the same, while the original 'Startcom' infratructure I once 
trusted is gathering dust and has been abandoned. I think I'll be taking my 
needs to another CA very soon if things don't look up!
Samuel Pinder

On Wednesday, 24 August 2016 14:09:02 UTC+1, Gervase Markham  wrote:
> Dear m.d.s.policy,
> Several incidents have come to our attention involving the CA "WoSign".
> Mozilla is considering what action it should take in response to these
> incidents. This email sets out our understanding of the situation.
> Before we begin, we note that Section 1 of the Mozilla CA Certificate
> Enforcement Policy[0] says: "When a serious security concern is noticed,
> such as a major root compromise, it should be treated as a
> security-sensitive bug, and the Mozilla Policy for Handling Security
> Bugs should be followed." It is clear to us, and appears to be clear to
> other CAs based on their actions, that misissuances where domain control
> checks have failed fall into the category of "serious security concern".
> Incident 0
> ----------
> On or around April 23rd, 2015, WoSign's certificate issuance system for
> their free certificates allowed the applicant to choose any port for
> validation. Once validation had been completed, WoSign would
> issue certificates for that domain. A researcher was able to obtain a
> certificate for a university by opening a high-numbered port (>50,000)
> and getting WoSign to use that port for validation of control.
> This problem was reported to Google, and thence to WoSign and resolved.
> Mozilla only became aware of it recently.
> * Before the recent passage of Ballot 169 in the CAB Forum, which limits
> the ports and paths which can be used, the Baseline Requirements said
> that one acceptable method of domain validation was "Having the
> Applicant demonstrate practical control over the FQDN by making an
> agreed‐upon change to information found on an online Web page identified
> by a uniform resource identifier containing the FQDN". This method
> therefore did not violate the letter of the BRs. However, Mozilla
> considers the basic security knowledge that ports over 1024 are
> unprivileged should have led all CAs not to accept validations of domain
> control on such ports, even when not documented in the BRs.
> * The misissuance incident was not reported to Mozilla by WoSign as it
> should have been (see above).
> * This misissuance incident did not turn up on WoSign's subsequent BR
> audit[1].
> Incident 1
> ----------
> In June 2015, an applicant found a problem with WoSign's free
> certificate service, which allowed them to get a certificate for the
> base domain if they were able to prove control of a subdomain.
> The reporter proved the problem in two ways. They accidentally
> discovered it when trying to get a certificate for and
> mistakenly also applied for, which was approved. They then
> confirmed the problem by using their control of
> to get a cert for
>,, and
> They reported this to WoSign, giving only the Github certificate as an
> example. That cert was revoked and the vulnerability was fixed. However
> recently, they got in touch with Google to note that the cert
> still had not been revoked almost a year later.
> * The lack of revocation of the certificate (still unrevoked at
> time of writing, although it may have been by time of posting) strongly
> suggests that WoSign either did not or could not search their issuance
> databases for other occurrences of the same problem. Mozilla considers
> such a search a basic part of the response to disclosure of a
> vulnerability which causes misissuance, and expects CAs to keep records
> detailed enough to make it possible.
> * This misissuance incident was not reported to Mozilla by WoSign as it
> should have been (see above).
> * This misissuance incident did not turn up on WoSign's subsequent BR
> audit[1].
> Incident 2
> ----------
> In July 2016, it became clear that there was some problems with the
> StartEncrypt automatic issuance service recently deployed by the CA
> StartCom. As well as other problems it had, which are outside the scope
> of this discussion, changing a simple API parameter in the POST request
> on the submission page changed the root certificate to which the
> resulting certificate chained up. The value "2" made a certificate
> signed by "StartCom Class 1 DV Server CA", "1" selected "WoSign CA Free
> SSL Certificate G2" and "0" selected "CA 沃通根证书", another root
> certificate owned by WoSign and trusted by Firefox.
> Using the value "1" led to a certificate which had a notBefore date
> (usage start date) of 20th December 2015, and which was signed using the
> SHA-1 checksum algorithm.
> * The issuance of certificates using SHA-1 has been banned by the
> Baseline Requirements since January 1st, 2016. Browsers, including
> Firefox, planned to enforce this[2] by not trusting certs with a
> notBefore date after that date, but in the case of Firefox the fix had
> to be backed out due to web compatibility issues. However, we are
> considering how/when to reintroduce it, and CAs presumably know this.
> * The issuance of backdated certificates is not forbidden, but is listed
> in Mozilla's list of Problematic Practices[3]. It says "Minor tweaking
> for technical compatibility reasons is accepted, but backdating
> certificates in order to avoid some deadline or code-enforced
> restriction is not."
> * WoSign deny that their code backdated the certificates in order to
> avoid browser-based restrictions - they say "this date is the day we
> stop to use this code"[4]. If that is true, it is not clear to us how
> StartCom came to deploy WoSign code that WoSign itself had abandoned.
> * It seems clear from publicly available information that StartCom's
> issuance systems are linked to WoSign's issuance systems in some way.
> Nevertheless, it should not have been possible for an application for a
> cert from StartCom to produce a cert signed by WoSign.
> * This misissuance incident was not reported to Mozilla by WoSign as it
> should have been.
> Taking into account all these incidents and the actions of this CA,
> Mozilla is considering what action to take. Your input is welcomed.
> Gerv, Kathleen and Richard
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

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