On Sunday, 25 September 2016 15:35:07 UTC+1, mono...@gmail.com  wrote:
> am I the only one who a) thinks this is slightly problematic and b) is 
> surprised that the cert still isn't revoked?

I don't know enough about the .sb ccTLD to be clear how problematic the 
described scenario is. I would certainly like to know more. Wikipedia tells me 
that .sb is operated like .uk used to be, with registrant domains appearing 
only as 3LDs e.g. you used to able to buy example.co.uk but not example.uk, so 
that having control of example.sb is itself exceptional, let alone www.sb

It is important to me - as a relying party - to know if there is a problem in 
Comodo's domain validation which allows people to obtain certificates for names 
which they do not (or perhaps, depending how .sb is run, even cannot) control. 
It is not terribly important to me in principle which names are affected, but 
in practice the extent of the risk might influence Mozilla's decision as to 
what if anything should be done, by them or by Comodo.

However right now it's the weekend, people who do this stuff as their day job, 
rather than an outside interest, may not have responded because they're busy 
watching televised sports or baking cakes. I will grow more concerned if 
there's no follow-up from anybody next week.
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