On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Nick Lamb <tialara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The second thing obviously is that they do have exactly the "rule" Richard 
> Wang described, and they believe this was justified under the BRs old 
> method 7 (which isn't a method at all, it's basically a catch-all).
> I think that's probably something that needs to go to CA/B although of course 
> Mozilla would be well within its rights to just write to all CAs, asking if 
> they have this or any similar "rules" that frustrate the intention of 
> and if so asking them to fix it by some reasonable deadline, such as EOY 2016.

There is some good news.  The CA/Browser Forum has already addressed
this, even prior to the current discussions. Ballot 169
revises considerably.  The new section specifically
addresses DNS validation.  Under the new rules, which should be in
effect as of 1 March 2017, validating www.<domain> will not be a valid
method of showing control of <domain>.  The name is true for any valid
hostname under <domain>.  The only note is that names in the form
_<something>.<domain> (that is starting with an underscore) can be
used to validate <domain>.

So this gap will close soon.

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