On 04/10/16 07:10, Gervase Markham wrote:
>> [4] https://crt.sh/?cablint=1+week
> This URL is a 404.

Sorry, crt.sh is a bit under the weather right now.  Someone submitted a
batch of several million certs to the Google CT logs, and this has
rather overwhelmed the replication between crt.sh's master DB and slave
DBs.  The slaves are still catching up at the moment.

crt.sh queries are occasionally killed off due to some DB replication
issues that I don't yet fully understand.  Unfortunately, the current
backlog has exacerbated this problem, hence the high number of 404s.

crt.sh should be fighting fit again soon though.  :-)

> Are you simply saying that cablint alerted you to the error?


> Does Comodo run cablint over all certificates post-issuance (or pre-issuance)?

Neither.  I'd like to run cablint over all certs pre-issuance, but
unfortunately it's not practical to do this yet because 1) cablint is
too slow and 2) there are some differences of opinion that have been
discussed at CABForum but not yet resolved.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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