On 03/11/16 21:17, Jakob Bohm wrote:
> Note that the GlobalSign SHA-1 intermediaries chain only to their old
> SHA-1 root which is (I believe) not used for any SHA-256 certs, except
> a cross-cert that signs their current SHA-256 root.

Nevertheless, it is still in Mozilla's trust store.

> So I suspect the intent of GlobalSign is that the old SHA-1 root should
> loose its ServerAuth trust bit around 2017-01-01, reducing it to a
> SHA-1-forever root trusted only by old SHA-1-only systems and maybe for
> e-mail (because some non-Mozilla e-mail clients were very late to
> supporting SHA-2 e-mail signatures).

If this were true, a) that's not good enough, as SHA-1 issuance has been
banned by the BRs since 2016-01-01, and b) they would have needed to
file a bug for this trust change long ago, and I can't find one.


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