has become the /de facto/ place for
discussion root program policy relating to the Web PKI, not just for
Mozilla, because people want to take advantage of the expertise of the
members here. Mozilla is very happy to host these wider discussions, in
the name of making the Internet and the Web PKI a more secure and
better-functioning place.

Similarly, has so far been the place for
discussing CT policy. Ryan has kindly offered to permit Mozilla to have
our CT policy discussions on that list, taking advantage of the
expertise there.

So, I have drafted a version 0.0.1 of the Mozilla CT policy, and will
soon post it to If you want to be part of that
conversation, you will need to subscribe, which you can do here:!forum/ct-policy

I am unfortunately not aware of an NNTP mirror of this group, and Gmane
is currently in a transition which means that adding new groups is not
supported. If anyone knows of such a mirror, please let me know.

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