On 22/05/17 16:43, Matthew Hardeman wrote:
> Regarding specifically the risk of the holder of a technically
> constrained subCA issuing a certificate with an SHA-1 signature or
> other improper signature / algorithm, my belief at this time is that
> with respect to the web PKI, we should be able to rely upon the
> modern client software to exclude these certificates from
> functioning.  My understanding was that IE / Edge was the last
> holdout on that front but that it now distrusts SHA-1 signatures.

So your proposal is that technical requirements should be enforced
in-product rather than in-policy, and so effectively there's no need for
policy for the EE certs under a TCSC.

This is not an unreasonable position.

> How do the various validation routines in the field today validate a
> scenario in which a leaf certificate's validity period exceeds a
> validity period constraint upon the chosen trust path?  Is the
> certificate treated as trusted, but only to the extent that the
> present time is within the most restrictive view of the validity
> period in the chain, or is the certificate treated as invalid
> regardless for failure to fully conform to the technical policy
> constraints promulgated by the chain?

Good question. I think the former, but Ryan Sleevi might have more info,
because I seem to remember him discussing this scenario and its compat
constraints recently.

Either way, it's a bad idea, because the net effect is that your cert
suddenly stops working before the end date in it, and so you are likely
to be caught short.

> I submit, then, that the real questions become further analysis and
> feedback of the risk(s) followed by specification and guidance on
> what specific constraints would form up the certificate profile which
> would have the reduced CP/CPS, audit, and disclosure burdens.  As a
> further exercise, it seems likely that to truly create a market in
> which an offering of this nature from CAs would grow in prevalence,
> someone would need to carry the torch to see such guidance (or at
> least the relevant portions) make way into the baseline requirements
> and other root programs.  Is that a reasonable assessment?

Well, it wouldn't necessarily need to make its way into other places.
Although that's always nice.


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