On 23/05/2017 18:18, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

Note as this is about a proposed future policy, this is about validation
code updated if and when such a policy is enacted.  Current validation
code has no reason to check a non-existent policy.

Mozilla strives, to the best possible way, to be interoperable with other
vendors, and not introduce security risks that would affect others, nor
unduly require things that would inhibit others.

In this aspect, the proposal of TCSCs - and the rest of the radical changes
you propose - are incompatible with many other libraries.

NOT my proposal, I was trying to help out with technical details of
Matthew's proposal, that's all.

While you're true that Mozilla could change their code at any point, much
of the Web Platform's evolution - and in particular, TLS - has been
achieved through multi-vendor collaboration.

Which I repeatedly referred to, in my latest e-mail I phrased it as "If
and when" such a policy would be enacted.

This is why it's important, when making proposals, to not simply work on a
blank canvas and attempt to sketch something, but to be aware of the lines
in the ecosystem that exist and the opportunities for collaboration - and
the times in which it's important to "go it alone".

I fully agree with that, and wrote so.

What part of "Has DNS/e-mail name constraints to at least second-level
domains or TLDs longer than 3 chars", "Has DN name constraints that
limit at least O and C", "Has EKU limitations that exclude AnyEKU and
anything else problematic", "Has lifetime and other general constraints
within the limits of EE certs" AND "Has a CTS" cannot be detected

These are not things that can be reliably implemented across the ecosystem,
nor would they be reasonable costs to bear for the proposed benefits, no.

You seem keen to be reject things out of hand, with no explanation.
Good luck convincing Matthew or others that way.

Or could this be solved by require such "TCSC light" SubCA certs to
carry a specific CAB/F policy OID with CT-based community enforcement
that all SubCA certs with this policy OID comply with the more stringent
non-computable requirements likely to be in such a policy (if passed)?


I am trying to limit the scope of this to the kind of TCSC (Technically
Constrained SubCA) that Matthew was advocating for.  Thus none of this
applies to long lived or public SubCAs.

If an organization wants ongoing TCSC availability, they may subscribe
to getting a fresh TCSC halfway through the lifetime of the previous
one, to provide a constantly overlapping chain of SubCAs.

Except this doesn't meaningfully address the "day+1" issuance problem that
was highlighted, unless you proposed that the non-nesting constraints that
I mentioned aren't relevant.

The idea would be: TCSC issued for BR maximum period (N years plus M
months), fresh TCSC issued every M months, customer can always issue up
to at least N years.

I do realize the M months in the BRs are for another business purpose
related to renewal payments, but because TCSCs issue to non-paying
internal users, they don't need those months for the payment use case.

It would more be like disclaimer telling their customers that if they
issue a SHA-1 cert after 2016-01-01 from their SHA-256 TCSC, it probably
won't work in a lot of browsers, please for your own protection, issue
only SHA-256 or stronger certs.  So the incentive for the issuing CA is
to minimize tech support calls and angry customers.

If the CA fails to inform their customers, the customer will get angry,
but the WebPKI will be unaffected.

And I'm trying to tell you that your model of the incentives is wrong, and
it does not work like that, as can be shown by every other real world

If they made the disclaimer, and yet still 30% of sites had these, browsers
would not turn it off. As such, the disclaimer would be pointless - the
incentive structure is such that browsers aren't going to start throwing
users under the bus.

When the browser makes the change, the issuing CA does not get the calls.
The site does not get the calls. The browser gets the anger. This is
because "most recent to change is first to blame" - and it was the browser,
not the CA, that made the most recent change.

This is how it has worked out for every change in the past. And while I
appreciate your optimism that it would work with TCSCs, there's nothing in
this proposal that would change that incentive structure, such as to ensure
that you don't have 30% of the Internet doing "Whatever thing will be
deprecated", and as a consequence, _it will not be deprecate_.

OK, that is a sad state of affairs, that someone will have to solve for
this to fly.

One could also add a requirement that certain occasional messages,
prewritten by the CAB/F shall be forwarded verbatim to all TCSC holders.
For example a notice about the SHA-1 deprecation (historic example).

The CA/Browser Forum did not do such documentation, but we also have ample
evidence that the notices were disregarded, not forwarded to the right
people, went to people whose mailboxes were turned off (since it was 3
years since they last got a cert), etc.

With TCSC renewal every few months (see above), such dead addresses
would be less likely.  And we are talking about a medium (someone said
10000) number of admins, not everyone with a HTTPS website and
associated unexpired cert.

Again, I appreciate your optimism that it would work, but I'm speaking from
experience and evidence to say it does not. That's the core of the problem
here - TCSCs being 'unrestricted' mean that the existing problems in making
evolutionary changes amplify, the number of parties to update grows, and
the ability to make change significantly slows.

It may be that unrestricted TCSCs are 'so amazing' that they justify this
cost to the ecosystem. If that's the case, it's a far more productive
avenue to discuss _why_ that is, rather than set out the _how_ to do it,
since well of "how" has been plumbed deep by browsers trying to make
positive security changes, and we know that these proposals don't work.
However, if there's a compelling reason why - why the Web PKI should move
to a more rigid, harder to change system - then it could be worth

I'll leave that argumentation to Matthew and others actually proposing
this, I was just helping at the technical corners.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
Transformervej 29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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