A few root store operators at the recent CAB Forum meeting informally
discussed the idea of a common format for root store information, and
that this would be a good idea. More and more innovative services find
it useful to download and consume trust store data from multiple
parties, and at the moment there are various hacky solutions and
conversion scripts in use.

Apple are already moving to publish their trust store in
machine-readable form (at the moment, the most machine-readable version
is in their open source repo, and that's often out of date). I'm not
sure what format they are planning, but it may not be too late to sell
them on something common. We currently have certdata.txt, which is
perhaps not ideal as a format; if we moved to something better, we could
always generate certdata.txt from that for those who still needed that form.

I'm told there are a couple of formats out there, including one in XML
(urk). But it would be nice to have something which was both machine and
human readable and writeable; in the age where the bar is set by JSON,
I'm not sure XML counts as that any more.

The trouble is, I'm not sure anyone in those conversations was also
musing about how much free time they had for such work. Is anyone here
interested in taking on the task of gathering requirements and editing a
spec for an (e.g.) JSON root store format?

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