On 27/06/17 10:35, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> If that is the goal, it may be useful to know what the proposed limitations
> / dependencies are. For example, the translation of the txt to the c file
> generated non-trivial concern among the NSS development team to support.

I propose it be part of the checkin process (using a CI tool or similar)
rather than part of the build process. Therefore, there would be no new
build-time dependencies for NSS developers.

> For example, one possible suggestion is to adopt a scheme similar to, or
> identical to, Microsoft's authroot.stl, which is PKCS#7, with attributes
> for indicating age and expiration, and the ability to extend with
> vendor-specific attributes as needed. One perspective would be to say that
> Mozilla should just use this work.

That's one option. I would prefer something which is both human and
computer-readable, as certdata.txt (just about) is.

> Yet if the goal is cross-vendor compatibility, one can argue that is the
> best approach, as t changes the number of vendors implementing it to 2,
> from the present 1, and thus achieves that goal. As you introduce the
> concept of Apple, but which has historically been a non-participant here,
> it makes it hard to design a system acceptable to them.

Apple suggested they'd like to make this data available; my hope would
be that if a format could be defined, they might be persuaded to adopt it.

> Further, one could
> reasonably argue that an authroot.stl approach would trouble Apple, much as
> other non-SDO driven efforts have, due to IP concerns in the space.
> Presumably, such collaboration would need to occur somewhere with
> appropriate IP protections.

Like, really? Developing a set of JSON name-value pairs to encode some
fairly simple structured data has potential IP issues? What kind of mad
world do we live in?

> These criticisms are not meant to suggest I disagree with your goal, merely
> that it seems there would be a number of challenges in achieving your goal
> that discussion on m.d.s.p. would not resolve. The way to address these
> challenges seems to involve getting firm commitments and collaboration with
> other vendors (since that is your primary goal), 

Well, if there was some chance of someone taking on the work - which
perhaps there seems to be, based on other replies - then that would be a
good next step. But there's no point in me having those discussions if
there's no-one willing to do the work. Hence my original question.

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