On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 9:44 AM, Hanno Böck via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> So there are several questions and possible situations here.
> I think it's relatively clear that a CA could prevent reissuance of
> certs if they know about a key compromise.

I actually don't think it's clear, that's why I was trying to highlight the

That is, I think we can all agree that for situations where you reported
directly to the CA, it was clear that the CA had knowledge that the
associated private key was compromised. Presumably, a requirement to
prevent issuance would mean that the CA maintains a blacklist of
'compromised keys' and refuses to issue certificates for them.

However, if we say that the CA shall not prevent for situations of
compromise, the following interpretations exist, and we should try to
figure out first what we want (from an ecosystem) and then how to specify
- Are we expecting the CA to maintain a database of compromised private
keys (I believe the implied answer is 'yes' - but today, they only need
maintain the database of revoked certificates, which is different)
- Is the CA obligated to check other sources of compromise information
prior to issuing the certificate.
  - Example: Should they check other CAs' CRLs? The CRLs themselves don't
provide information about the key, so one would presumably _also_ need to
check sources like Certificate Transparency.
  - Tortured example: What happens if a (different CA's) cert is not logged
in CT, revoked in the CRL (for keyCompromise), and then subsequently
disclosed to first CA. Are they obligated to revoke (under #3)? Are
they obligated to not issue (under the proposed change)?

The reason I highlight this is that preventing CA "Foo" from issuing a
second cert for (compromised) key X doesn't prevent CA "Bar" from doing the
same. Because of this, it's a reasonable question about what security value
we're obtaining, if the party with Key X can simply go to another CA to get
the cert.

From a CA perspective, requiring that Foo reject a request that Bar can
accept would be unappealing to Foo - it's effectively giving business to
Bar (whether or not this is actually the case, and however illogical it is,
there are plenty of CAs who think this way)

From a security perspective, requiring that Foo not issue for key X doesn't
ensure that a cert for key X will not be introduced, not unless we make the
requirement of all CAs.

So that's why I'm not sure how much value we'd get from such a requirement
- and wanted to highlight the challenges in finding a way to establish it
for all CAs, and why it's important (for CAs and relying parties) for a
consistent requirement.

> Ultimately I'm inclined to say that there really shouldn't be any good
> reason at all to ever reuse a key. (Except... HPKP)

I see. I think I'd strongly disagree with that assertion. There are lots of
good reasons to reuse keys. The most obvious example being for
shorter-lived certificates (e.g. 90 days), which allow you to rotate the
key in case of compromise, but otherwise don't require you to do so.
Considering revocation information is no longer required to be provided
once a certificate expires, it _also_ means that in the CA Foo case, with
Key X compromised, the subscriber could get another cert for it once the
original cert has expired (and thus revocation information no longer able
to be provided)
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