On Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 12:55:06 AM UTC, David E. Ross wrote:
> Under the Servers tab for Certificate Manager, I see several root
> certificates whose expiration dates have passed.  I believe these were
> all marked untrusted at one time.  For example, I see six DigiNotar
> certificates, CNNIC's MCSHOLDING TEST, Equifax's MD5 Collisions, among
> others.  Is it safe to delete these?

IIRC, Mozilla just likes to keep expired distrust around because it cannot be 
overridden in the UI, whereas expired or unknown certs might be something a 
regular user might consider not that big of a deal and click through.

In this context @Mozilla: Those additional distrust entries are coming from 
NSS, but they are all pre-OneCRL afaics. Is this coincidence (= there wasn't 
any "high-profile" enough distrust warranting nss addition) or has the 
certdata-based distrust been entirely obsoleted by OneCRL (= there will never 
be any new distrust entries in certdata)?

I'm asking because some/most linux distros consume certdata, and they usually 
do have some blacklist capability where they put the certdata based distrust, 
but I don't know of any that parses OneCRL. I guess they all should, right?
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