Dear Mozilla CA Root Team,
After reviewing Mr. Gervase's reply, referring to the exclusion of the PSC 
PROCERT from the Mozilla trust repository and having seen the antecedents 
existing in multiple previous cases, it is evident that in all cases it was 
offered through the bug of a mechanism of remediation and the ACs were 
adequately informed about the open observations and even in some cases are 
closed with simple statements about how the case is remedied.
The technical aspects indicated in the bug and its answers are included below:
1.     Serial Number does not meet the standard.
RFC 5280, in section states the following:
“ Serial Number
The serial number MUST be a positive integer assigned by the CA to each 
certificate. It MUST be unique for each certificate issued by a given CA (i.e., 
the issuer name and serial number identify a unique certificate).  CAs MUST 
force the serialNumber to be a non-negative integer.
Given the uniqueness requirements above, serial numbers can be expected to 
contain long integers. Certificate users MUST be able to handle serialNumber 
values up to 20 octets. Conforming CAs MUST NOT use serialNumber values longer 
than 20 octets.
Note: Non-conforming CAs may issue certificates with serial numbers that are 
negative or zero. Certificate users SHOULD be prepared to gracefully handle 
such certificates”
In addition, section 7.1 of the BR indicates the following:
“Effective September 30, 2016, CAs SHALL    generate non‐sequential Certificate 
serial      numbers greater     than zero      (0) containing          at least 
  64 bits          of output       from   a        CSPRNG.”
PSC PROCERT works with the Microsoft cryptography service, which has a CSPRNG 
inside the CryptoAPI library suite, which includes a CryptGenRandom function, 
which is a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator, this 
function was found by default in the generation of the short serial numbers, 
therefore we proceeded to modify the registry of the CA and activate the option 
of high serial, which comes by default deactivated (0), we proceeded to 
activate this registry, so that serials are generated under the parameters of 
the standard.
In the following link you can see an example of a certificate with the 
appropriate serial number
After this action was taken, we proceeded to recognize the certificates with 
these problems and were notified to our clients that they should be revoked and 
reissued, the certificates denounced in the bug are revoked.
PSC PROCERT is not the only one to present this case, QuoVadis and SwissSign, 
presented the same situation and the remediation was accepted.
Note that the answers offered by QuoVadis and SwissSign were simple and not 
detailed; such as those offered by PROCERT, the response and follow-up on 
compliance was further expanded. We do not understand then why for other cases 
apply and for PROCERT not ?.
2.-      Issues with SSL Certificates
       Issue D: URI in CN and dnsName SAN (December 2016)
       Issue G: Internal IP Address in SAN (March 2015 - March 2017)
       Issue I: CN Not Also In SAN (March 2016 - June 2017)
       Issue K: Internal DNS Names in Certificates (May - June 2017)
       Issue L: (June - July 2017)
2.1.    Issue R: Incorrect Encoding of or Inappropriate Use of TeletexString 
(December 2015 - August 2017)
Taking into account what was stated in the bug, the BR was reviewed and it 
indicates the following in section
“j. Other Subject Attributes
All      other  optional        attributes,     when  present         within  
the          subject         field,   MUST contain information that    has     
been          verified         by      the     CA.              Optional       
attributes      MUST NOT contain metadata      such   as      ‘.’,       ‘‐‘,   
   and    ‘         ‘         (i.e.          space) characters,  and/or any 
other      indication      that    the     value          is        absent,     
    incomplete,   or       not     applicable.e.”
In addition, section states the following
“ Subject Alternative Name Extension
Certificate Field: extensions:subjectAltName
Required/Optional: Required      
Contents: This        extension      MUST contain         at       least   one  
        entry. Each   entry MUST  be either a    dNSName     containing the     
     Fully‐Qualified Domain Name      or       an      iPAddress     containing 
the     IP address    of       a        server.
The    CA     MUST confirm        that    the     Applicant      controls       
   the     Fully‐Qualified Domain      Name or IP   address        or       has 
         been   granted        the    right   to use it        by      the     
Domain          Name Registrant or IP       address        assignee,      as 
In order to remedy this situation, the affected customers were notified that 
the certificates had to be revoked and issued again, modifying the data with 
problems, then notified and with the window of time for customers to take these 
changes into account. level of their systems, the certificates were revoked and 
issued correctly.
To avoid these errors in the future, PSC PROCERT proceeded to modify the CPS 
and PC, adding a section to inform our customers that any request for SSL 
certificate must comply with the standard of the CA Browser Forum, also within 
our system a filter was applied to avoid accepting the following parameters
1. Characters "-", ",", ".", ":", "/", And " " (Issue D)
2. Private IP addresses (Issue G)
3. Domains ending in * .local (Issue K)
4. Character accentuation (eg or) (Issue R)
5. Validator that both the CN and the SAN are the same values (Issue I)
In addition to establishing internal review and validation mechanisms with the 
personnel that analyze the CSR and support our clients. A tool will also be 
incorporated to automate the analysis of CSRs. Such software is currently being 
tested in our quality environment to enter production.
2.2.    Issue N: Other Names in Certificate SAN (2011 - August 2017
Referring to Issue N, the BR was reviewed and it was found that section section i indicates the following
“i. Other Subject Attributes
All other optional attributes, when present within the subject field, MUST 
contain information that has been verified by the CA.”
This indicates that another field can be included as long as it is information 
verified by the CA, in this case PSC PROCERT verifies the number of RIF that is 
the tax identification number of company in Venezuela of each company, which by 
definition is a registry destined to the legal control of taxes and in which 
natural or juridical persons, communities and entities or groups without legal 
personality, susceptible by reason of the goods or activities, of being subject 
or responsible for the Income Tax, the tax retention agents, and residents 
abroad without permanent establishment or fixed base, provided that the cause 
of the enrichment is or occurs in Venezuela. In conclusion, it is a requirement 
of Law in Venezuela and the company that omits to place it is sanctioned. Even 
PSC PROCERT can be sanctioned by the government in case of failure to include 
such information in the certificates.
Each company that signs a contract with PSC PROCERT must present a copy of the 
RIF and the same is proceeded to validate against the national tax office, 
which in the case of Venezuela is SENIAT; The SUSCERTE that is the governing 
entity that regulates in Venezuela requires that in the structure of the 
certificate this information is placed in a field of the certificate identified 
with an OID for this purpose, which is 2.16.862.2.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the standard is fulfilled and there is no 
default as such in Issue N.
There are similar cases with accepted remediation
The responses provided by PSC PROCERT are in line with those provided for 
similar cases by the CA’s above.
3.       Issue T: Inappropriate Key Usage Value of "Key Agreement" (October 
2016 - August 2017)
Certificates with this Issue were revoked and notified to customers. In order 
to prevent this situation from being repeated, we proceeded to review the 
template with which the certificates were issued and the key Agreement was 
eliminated among the uses, in addition it was enabled so that this option can 
NOT be used later
4.       Issue V: Failure to Respond Quickly To Problem Reports (August 2017)
At this point and about the rapid response, we point out that at all times we 
have demonstrated since we were notified, willingness to solve this problem. 
Certificates that did not generate impact were automatically revoked.
Please find attached our CPS and the evidence of SSL revocation.
Please consider this evidence in order to reopen the PSC PROCERT case.

dev-security-policy mailing list
              • ... Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
              • ... Inigo Barreira via dev-security-policy
              • ... Gervase Markham via dev-security-policy
              • ... Inigo Barreira via dev-security-policy
              • ... Gervase Markham via dev-security-policy
              • ... okaphone.elektronika--- via dev-security-policy
              • ... westmail24--- via dev-security-policy
              • ... Kathleen Wilson via dev-security-policy
              • ... James Burton via dev-security-policy
              • ... James Burton via dev-security-policy
  • Re: PROCERT issues alejandrovolcan--- via dev-security-policy
  • Re: PROCERT issues alejandrovolcan--- via dev-security-policy

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