On Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 1:34:03 PM UTC-7, Jeremy Rowley wrote:
> Some initial thoughts
> 1. I'm a bit confused by bullet #2 in the survey. Wasn't it already the
> Mozilla policy that CAs could only use the blessed 10 methods of validation?
> I thought this was communicated in the previous letter? 

It was in the April 2017 CA Communication:

But it was not specifically stated in previous versions of Mozilla's Root Store 

I updated ACTION 1 to separate the changes into two lists:
- Changes that most likely require CA action
- Changes that are clarification of previously expected practice or policy

Does that help? 

> 2.  On bullet #3, I'm reading the wording to mean either 1) disclosed and
> audited or 2) revoked, not  disclosed and either a) revoked or b) audited,
> correct? Rewording the language to be "must be either audited and disclosed
> or revoked in the Common CA Database" might clarify between the two. 

This is referring to the item starting with: "Additional requirements were 
added for intermediate certificates that are used to sign certificates for 

So, this is now the first bullet in Action 1.

Text updated. 

> 3. On bullet #3, should you specify what audits are required for s/MIME in
> the email? There might be confusion between the two audit questions that
> interprets s/MIME as requiring a BR audit. This might not be worth
> clarifying though as all CAs should understand the purpose of each audit.

Added sentence: "See Section1.3.2 of Mozilla's Root Store Policy for details 
about required audits."

with link to:

> 4. On action 4, how often will Mozilla require BR Self assessments? Should
> you state that Mozilla may require them on a periodic basis going forward? 

It is now part of our root inclusion/update process, but otherwise we have not 
yet decided if this will be a regularly-recurring exercise.

How about if I add a sentence like the following?
"We recommend that you perform a BR Self Self Assessment on a periodic basis to 
ensure that your CA is aware of and following updates to the BRs."

> 5. On action 7, I'm unaware of any CT discussions currently ongoing at the
> CAB Forum or Mozilla list.  Could you provide a link or further intent on
> what we're watching for? 

This is currently a place holder.
I would like to say something about CT, but still have to figure it out.

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