There's always a risk that a CA owner will create a security nightmare when we aren't looking, probationary period or not. In theory regular audits help to prevent it, but even in cases where they don't, people are free to raise concerns as they come up. I think we've had examples of exactly that in both StartCom and Symantec.‎ 

Perhaps one way to think of it is: Do we have reason to believe that the acquiring organization, leadership, etc. will probably make good decisions in the furtherance of public trust on the Internet? For a company that is a complete unknown, I would say that no evidence exists and therefore a public review prior to the acquisition is appropriate. If we do have sufficient evidence, perhaps it's OK to let the acquisition go through and have a public discussion afterwards.

The Francisco Partners situation is more complicated, however. Francisco Partners itself does not strike me as the sort of company that should own a CA but only because they are investors and not a public trust firm of some sort. That said, they are smart enough to bring in a leadership team that does have knowledge and experience in this space. Unfortunately, though, they are also bringing in a Deep Packet Inspection business which is antithetical to public trust. So what is one to conclude?

The reporting that I've seen seem to indicate that Francisco Partners will not (will never?) combine ‎PKI and DPI into a single business operation. They have to know that doing so would be ruinous to their CA investment. If we assume they know that and if we are willing to take them at their word, I suppose it's reasonable to "allow" the transfer as it relates to Mozilla policy. If we should learn later on that that trust was misplaced, I'm sure we will discuss it and take appropriate action at that time.

From: westmail24--- via dev-security-policy
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 7:50 PM
Reply To:
Subject: Acquisition policy (was: Francisco Partners acquires Comodo certificate authority business)

Hello Peter,

But what prevents Francisco Partners making security nightmare after the probationary period? This is logical, I think.

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