So ECHDE is an interesting point that I had not considered, but as Matt noted, 
the quality of randomness in the devices does generally improve with time.  It 
tends to be the initial bootstrapping where things go horribly wrong.


A couple years ago I was actually on the opposite side of this issue, so it’s 
very easy for me to see both sides.  I just don’t see it as useful to 
categorically rule out something that can provide a significant security 
benefit in some circumstances.




As an unrelated but funny aside, I once heard about a expensive, high assurance 
device with a embedded bi-stable circuit for producing high quality hardware 
random numbers.  As part of a rigorous validation and review process in order 
to guarantee product quality, the instability was noticed and corrected late in 
the development process, and final testing showed that the output of the key 
generator was completely free of any pesky one bits that might interfere with 
the purity of all zero keys.


From: Ryan Sleevi [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 11:11 AM
To: Tim Hollebeek <>
Subject: Re: CA generated keys




I appreciate your reply, but that seems to be backwards looking rather than 
forwards looking. That is, it looks and assumes static-RSA ciphersuites are 
acceptable, and thus the entropy risk to TLS is mitigated by client-random to 
this terrible TLS-server devices, and the issue to mitigate is the poor entropy 
on the server.


However, I don't think that aligns with what I was mentioning - that is, the 
expectation going forward of the use of forward-secure cryptography and 
ephemeral key exchanges, which do become more relevant to the quality of 
entropy. That is, negotiating an ECDHE_RSA exchange with terrible ECDHE key 
construction does not meaningfully improve the security of Mozilla users.


I'm curious whether any use case can be brought forward that isn't "So that we 
can aid and support the proliferation of insecure devices into users everyday 
lives" - as surely that doesn't seem like a good outcome, both for Mozilla 
users and for society at large. Nor do I think the propose changes meaningfully 
mitigate the harm caused by them, despite the well-meaning attempt to do so.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Tim Hollebeek via dev-security-policy 
<> > wrote:

As I’m sure you’re aware, RSA key generation is far, far more reliant on the 
quality of the random number generation and the prime selection algorithm than 
TLS is dependent on randomness.  In fact it’s the combination of poor 
randomness with attempts to reduce the cost of RSA key generation that has and 
will continue to cause problems.

While the number of bits in the key pair is an important security parameter, 
the number of potential primes and their distribution has historically not 
gotten as much attention as it should.  This is why there have been a number of 
high profile breaches due to poor RSA key generation, but as far as I know, no 
known attacks due to the use of randomness elsewhere in the TLS protocol.  This 
is because TLS, like most secure protocols, has enough of gap between secure 
and insecure that small deviations from ideal behavior don’t break the entire 
protocol.  RSA has a well-earned reputation for finickiness and fragility.

It doesn’t help that RSA key generation has a sort of birthday paradoxy feel to 
it, given that if any two key pairs share a prime number, it’s just a matter of 
time before someone uses Euclid’s algorithm in order to find it.  There are 
PLENTY of possible primes of the appropriate size so that this should never 
happen, but it’s been seen to happen.  I would be shocked if we’ve seen the 
last major security breach based on poor RSA key generation by resource 
constrained devices.

Given that there exist IETF approved alternatives that could help with that 
problem, they’re worth considering.  I’ve been spending a lot of time recently 
looking at the state of the IoT world, and it’s not good.


From: Ryan Sleevi [ <> ]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 9:52 AM
To: Tim Hollebeek < 
<> >
Subject: Re: CA generated keys

On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 11:06 AM, Tim Hollebeek via dev-security-policy 
<> > > wrote:


For TLS/SSL certificates, I think PKCS #12 delivery of the key and certificate
at the same time should be allowed, and I have no problem with a requirement
to delete the key after delivery.  I also think server side generation along
the lines of RFC 7030 (EST) section 4.4 should be allowed.  I realize RFC 7030
is about client certificates, but in a world with lots of tiny communicating
devices that interface with people via web browsers, there are lots of highly
resource constrained devices with poor access to randomness out there running
web servers.  And I think we are heading quickly towards that world.
Tightening up the requirements to allow specific, approved mechanisms is fine.
We don't want people doing random things that might not be secure.


I'm afraid that the use case to justify this change seems to be inherently 
flawed and insecure. I'm hoping you can correct my misunderstanding, if I am 
doing so.

As I understand it, the motivation for this is to support devices with insecure 
random number generators that might be otherwise incapable of generating secure 
keys. The logic goes that by having the CAs generate these keys, we end up with 
better security - fewer keys leaking.

Yet I would challenge that assertion, and instead suggest that CAs generating 
keys for these devices inherently makes the system less secure. As you know, 
CAs are already on the hook to evaluate keys against known weak sets and reject 
them. There is absent a formal definition of this in the BRs, other than 
calling out illustrative examples such as Debian-generated keys (which share 
the flaw you mention), or, in more recent discussions, the ROCA-affected keys. 
Or, for the academic take, , or 
the research at that itself 
appears to have lead to ROCA being detected.

Quite simply, the population you're targeting - "tiny communication devices ... 
with poor access to randomness" - are inherently insecure in a TLS world. TLS 
itself depends on entropy, especially for the ephemeral key exchange 
ciphersuites required for use in HTTP/2 or TLS 1.3, and so such devices do not 
somehow become 'more' secure by having the CA generate the key, but then 
negotiate poor TLS ciphersuites.

More importantly, the change you propose would have the incidental effect of 
making it more difficult to detect such devices and work with vendors to 
replace or repair them. This seems to overall make Mozilla users less secure, 
and the ecosystem less secure.

I realize that there is somewhat a conflict - we're today requiring that CDNs 
and vendors can generate these keys (thus masking off the poor entropy from 
detection), while not allowing the CA to participate - but I think that's 
consistent with a viewpoint that the CA should not actively facilitate 
insecurity, which I fear your proposal would.

Thus, I would suggest that the current status quo - a prohibition against CA 
generated keys - is positive for the SSL/TLS ecosystem in particular, and any 
such devices that struggle with randomness should be dismantled and replaced, 
rather than encouraged and proliferated.

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