On 15/12/17 16:02, Ryan Hurst wrote:
> So I have read this thread in its entirety now and I think it makes sense for 
> it to reset to first principles, specifically:
> What are the technological and business goals trying to be achieved,
> What are the requirements derived from those goals,
> What are the negative consequences of those goals.
> My feeling is there is simply an abstract desire to allow for the CA, on 
> behalf of the subject, to generate the keys but we have not sufficiently 
> articulated a business case for this.

I think I'm in exactly this position also; thank you for articulating
it. One might also add:

* What are the inevitable technical consequences of a scheme which meets
these goals? (E.g. "use of PKCS#12 for key transport" might be one
answer to that question.)

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