On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Andrew via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On Friday, December 15, 2017 at 4:06:02 PM UTC-6, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > It also perpetuates the myopic and flawed view as a phishing mitigation,
> > whose reliance is upon users checking it (again, user hostile)
> Ryan, several times now you've characterized the expectation that users
> check that the name listed on an EV certificate matches their expectations
> as "user-hostile". Could you clarify why it is you believe this practice is
> user-hostile while at the same time, expecting users to check the domain
> name listed in the URL bar is not? (Or perhaps you believe that both
> practices are user-hostile?)

Indeed, both are user-hostile. Much like telling the user to 'look for the
green lock' is user-hostile.

The reason for this user-hostility is we try to shift the burden of
responsibility onto the user, for what is an otherwise unrealistic task
that requires a rather substantial degree of specialized knowledge. Things
like "look for the green lock" - or "look for https://"; - are inherently
user-hostile because they're designs that rely on positive security
indicators. You can see some browsers [1][2] starting to more proactively
warn when things are bad, rather than expecting users to notice the lack of
positive security. You can also see the challenges in this, such as URL IDN
display policies [3][4].

Think about your car - it doesn't show you lights for "OIL OK" "ENGINE OK"
"TIRES OK" - it shows you warnings when they're actionable and relevant,
but is otherwise quiet. Yet for navigating the web, we expect users to

Specific to URLs, we have a number of realistic mitigations for domain name
checking - such as password managers or solutions such as WebAuthN, both of
which can perform that checking automatically. Are there gaps? For sure -
but at least there's objective reason to believe the harm done versus good
caused is defensible, and the technical controls are in place.

[2] https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/insecure-password-warning-firefox
[3] https://wiki.mozilla.org/IDN_Display_Algorithm
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