Hi Jonathan,

On 23/01/18 22:55, Jonathan Rudenberg wrote:
> A certificate issued by GlobalSign showed up in CT today with a notBefore 
> date of March 21, 2018 and a notAfter date of April 23, 2021, a validity 
> period of ~1129 days (more than three years).

Thank you for pointing this out. This does seem at first look like an
attempted end-run around the 825-day validity period restriction which
comes into effect soon. Perhaps GlobalSign would care to comment here?
If not, I can file a bug and make a formal request.

> 1) The Root Store Policy should explicitly ban forward and back-dating the 
> notBefore date.

I am not opposed to this, but I would want to allow CAs to make
representations about when this is necessary so we can see if any
exceptions do actually need to be made. But a general rule might be a
good idea.

> 2) Firefox should implement a technical check to enforce the validity period 
> so that issuance practices like this do not impact users (see 
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=908125)

Does Chrome already do this? If so, I might expect this cert, once it
becomes valid, not to work in Chrome...

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