On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 10:57 AM, YairE via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I tried to dive into the best certificate structure and there are two
> things that bother me:
> In both the CA\B F BR and the EV guidelines it clearly states that the
> SubjectCN is deprecated, so I learn from that that the best subscriber
> certificate structure would simply not include this field
> I did a small survey and I couldn’t find not even one certificate without
> the SubjectCN - so my question is:
> should we issue certificates without this field? why doesn’t any other CA
> has removed this field?

See https://cabforum.org/pipermail/public/2017-October/012321.html

> In addition - the CertificatePolicies extension:
> It says in the BR and the EV guidelines that this extension MUST appear at
> a subscriber certificate
> yet I failed to find this extension in any EV certificate I checked...

Can you provide an example? Every single EV cert I've ever seen has
included this.
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