On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 3:06 PM, Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> Mozilla began requiring BR audits for roots in our program in 2013 [1], but
> we have a vague policy statement in section 3.1 regarding audit
> requirements prior to inclusion:
> Before being included and periodically thereafter, CAs MUST obtain certain
> > audits…
> >
> BR section 8.1 contains the following paragraph:
> If the CA does not have a currently valid Audit Report indicating
> > compliance with one of the audit schemes listed in Section 8.1, then,
> > before issuing Publicly-Trusted Certificates, the CA SHALL successfully
> > complete a point-in-time readiness assessment performed in accordance
> with
> > applicable standards under one of the audit schemes listed in Section
> 8.1.
> > The point-in-time readiness assessment SHALL be completed no earlier than
> > twelve (12) months prior to issuing Publicly-Trusted Certificates and
> > be followed by a complete audit under such scheme within ninety (90) days
> > of issuing the first Publicly-Trusted Certificate.
> >
> Unfortunately, the definition of Publicly-Trusted Certificates exempts
> newly created roots from this requirement, and in practice we have seen
> that violating this requirement does not prevent roots from receiving BR
> audit statements. We continue to see inclusion requests for roots that do
> not have an unbroken chain of BR audits back to first issuance.
> I propose that we add a requirement to Mozilla policy section 3.1.3 for
> roots to have contiguous audits beginning within 90 days of issuing the
> first certificate. I chose 90 days to allow some time for issuing
> subordinate CA certificates and test certificates in preparation for the
> audit.
> .
> This is: https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/issues/113
> [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:CertificatePolicyV2.1#Audit_Criteria
> [2]
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.security.policy/Mezqdljjerc/
> nIirftRqAgAJ

I'm not fully sure I understand the proposal here.

I would think that, for all roots created since 2012, the expectation is
that there is an unbroken series of audits, going from a Point in Time
audit (of the policies and infrastructure) to a Root Key Generation
Ceremony attestation (under the policies and practices) to a Period of Time
audit, with the issuance of any supporting infrastructure appearing between
the RKGC and the PoT and covered by the PoT audit.

Does that match your intent? Assuming I did not botch the audit timing
issues here
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