I believe the intent of the certificate problem reporting in the BRs is to 
encourage CAs to accept and respond to issues. Although the intent is not 
specifically stated, my reasoning is based on the fact the BRs requiring CAs to 
maintain a 24x7 ability to respond, a 24 hour ability to process certificate 
problems, and a public reporting mechanism. To support this objective, I think 
we should make the process as easy as possible for reporters, including 
mandating email. Finding the email addresses is a pain with little reward. 
Having to go through captchas to even get the email sent is just another 
obstacle in getting the CA a timely certificate problem report.  Therefore, I'd 
adopt Ryan Hurst's proposal and require that the email be in a standardized 
format (no more hunting for email aliases) without any blockers to prevent the 
certificate problem report. Filtering through the mess of emails you get on 
those aliases is the CAs responsibility. 


-----Original Message-----
From: dev-security-policy 
<dev-security-policy-bounces+jeremy.rowley=digicert....@lists.mozilla.org> On 
Behalf Of Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:50 AM
To: mozilla-dev-security-policy <mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org>
Subject: Policy 2.6 Proposal: Require CAs to support problem reports via email

Section 4.9.3 of the CA/Browser Forum's Baseline Requirements says:
"The CA SHALL provide Subscribers, Relying Parties, Application Software 
Suppliers, and other third parties with clear instructions for reporting 
suspected Private Key Compromise, Certificate misuse, or other types of fraud, 
compromise, misuse, inappropriate conduct, or any other matter related to 
Certificates. The CA SHALL publicly disclose the instructions through a readily 
accessible online means.”

Mozilla has made a central list of these mechanisms in the CCADB [1] but, as it 
turns out, some of them (such as web forms with CAPTCHAs) are difficult to use. 
It is proposed that Mozilla policy go above and beyond the BR requirement to 
state that email must be one of the problem reporting methods supported.

Another argument in favor or requiring CAs to accept problem reports via email 
is that it provides the reporter with evidence of the submission via their 
email client and server logs.

Arguments against this requirement include the burden placed on CAs who must 
sort through the large quantities of SPAM received by any published email 
address, concerns with email reliability, and the reporter's inability to 
confirm that their email has been received by the CA.

According to CCADB [1], all but a handful of CAs already support problem 
reporting via email.

I would appreciate everyone's input on this topic.

This is: https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/issues/98


This is a proposed update to Mozilla's root store policy for version 2.6. 
Please keep discussion in this group rather than on GitHub. Silence is consent.

Policy 2.5 (current version):
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