Camerfirma has delivered point-in-time audits as required by Mozilla in
response to the annual audit statements we received in July containing
multiple qualifications. The new audit statements along with the history of
this issue can be found at

In my opinion, Camerfirma has completed their remediation of this issue.
Please comment here or in the bug if you have any concerns.

- Wayne

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 12:42 AM Ramiro Muñoz <>

> Hi Wayne
> All problems have already been resolved from our side and we wait for the
> PIT audit planned for the next week.
> We will be able to provide the PIT before October 31th.
> Best regards
> Ramiro Muñoz Muñoz
> AC Camerfirma SA.
> CTO, Exploitation Manager, CISA.
> +34 619 746 291 ·
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> De conformidad con lo establecido en el Reglamento UE 2016/679 de 27 de
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> AC CAMERFIRMA, S.A. tratará la información que nos facilita con el
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> supresión, limitación y portabilidad en el tratamiento, dirigiéndose a AC
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> In accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of April
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> 2016 General Data Protection, you are informed that the company AC
> CAMERFIRMA, S.A. will treat the information you provide us with the sole
> purpose of complying with the obligations derived from the commercial or
> contractual relationship acquired with you and that your data will not be
> subject to another treatment or assignment to third parties except in cases
> where there is an legal obligation.
> You have the right to obtain confirmation about your personal data
> treatement, and to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion,
> limitation and portability, contacting AC CAMERFIRMA, SA, by written
> communication sent to the address C / Ribera del Loira 12 (28042) Madrid,
> or
> to the legal address or through the website
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: dev-security-policy
> [] En nombre de Wayne
> Thayer via dev-security-policy
> Enviado el: jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018 0:38
> Para: Ramiro Muñoz Muñoz <>
> CC: mozilla-dev-security-policy
> <>
> Asunto: Re: AC Camerfirma's CP & CPS disclosure
> Hello Ramiro,
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:13 PM Wayne Thayer <> wrote:
> > Thank you for this response Ramiro. I have copied this to the bug [1]
> > and have described Mozilla's expectations for point-in-time audits
> > that confirm that these issues have been resolved.
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 5:47 AM ramirommunoz--- via dev-security-policy
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> 7- List of steps your CA is taking to resolve the situation and
> >> ensure such issuance will not be repeated in the future, accompanied
> >> with a timeline of when your CA expects to accomplish these things.
> >>
> >> AC Camerfirma has made changes in the CP/CPS to fix the
> >> inconsistences found by the auditor and will disseminate the
> >> documents and the new procedures to avoid news problems in a future.
> >> AC Camerfirma is working on correcting the imbalances detected and
> >> the effective processes to ensure that the information offered by the
> >> OCSP and the CRL is the same.
> >> 2018-07-14 -> Qualified Audit Report
> >> 2018-09-17 -> CPS & CP's new versions will be disclosed New
> >> procedures and CPS/CP versions will be distributed among all affected
> >> people in other to avoid new differences between CP/CPS New
> >> procedures for self-assessment include full revision of OV
> >> certificates.
> >> Best control over changes in the BR version and modifications in AC
> >> Camerfirma CP/CPS.
> >> 2018-09-17 -> Finish a full review of the OCSP DDBB and
> >> synchronization with the PKI DDBB.
> >> 2018-09-24 -> fixed all inconsistences found. We've reviewed the
> >> complete databases and checked the correct OCSP/PKI/CRL alignment,
> >> correcting the problems found.
> >> 2018-10-01 -> Technical control to avoid inconsistences. We've
> >> improving the execution of the triggers and develop the controls that
> >> confirm their correct operation.
> >> 018-10-01 -> timely reports (weekly to monthly basic) to assure
> >> technical controls are working and no new inconsistences are produced.
> >>
> >> Will you please provide an update on the remediation steps described
> above, and timing for the point-in-time audit that will confirm that these
> problems have been fixed?
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