On 4/12/18 8:29 μ.μ., Dimitris Zacharopoulos via dev-security-policy wrote:
> Fotis,
> You have quoted only one part of my message which doesn't capture the
> entire concept.

I would appreciate it if you mentioned how exactly did I distort your
proposal and which parts that change the meaning of what I said did I miss.

> CAs that mis-issue and must revoke these mis-issued certificates,
> already violated the BRs. Delaying revocation for more than what the BRs
> require, is also a violation. There was never doubt about that. I never
> proposed that "extended revocation" would somehow "not be considered a
> BR violation" or "make it legal".

You explicitly mentioned that there were voices during the SC6 ballot
discussion that wanted to extend the 5 days to something more (*extend*
the 5 days), as you also explicitly mentioned that this is not a
theoretical discussion.

> I tried to highlight in this discussion that there were real cases in
> m.d.s.p. where the revocation was delayed in practice. However, the
> circumstances of these extended revocations remain unclear. Yet, the
> community didn't ask for more details. Seeing this repeated, was the
> reason I suggested that more disclosure is necessary for CAs that
> require more time to revoke than the BRs require. At the very minimum,
> it would help the community understand in more detail the circumstances
> why a CA asks for more time to revoke.

I refer you to Ryan's email. Do you really believe that this is
something not expected from CAs?

> I think Jakob make an accurate summary.

You contradict what you said before 2 paragraphs. Jakob explicitly

The proposal was apparently to further restrict the ability of CAs to
make exceptions on their own, by requiring all such exceptions to go
through the public forums where the root programs can challenge or even
deny a proposed exception, after hearing the case by case arguments for
why an exception should be granted.

effectively 'legalizing' BR violations after browsers' concent (granting
an exception). Before two paragraphs you stated that you never proposed
making an extended revocation legal.


> Dimitris.
> On 4/12/2018 8:00 μ.μ., Fotis Loukos via dev-security-policy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 4/12/18 4:30 μ.μ., Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy wrote:
>>> Hello to you too.
>>> It seems that you are both misunderstanding what the proposal was.
>>> The proposal was apparently to further restrict the ability of CAs to
>>> make exceptions on their own, by requiring all such exceptions to go
>>> through the public forums where the root programs can challenge or even
>>> deny a proposed exception, after hearing the case by case arguments for
>>> why an exception should be granted.
>> Can you please point me to the exact place where this is mentioned?
>> The initial proposal is the following:
>> Mandating that CAs disclose revocation situations that exceed the 5-day
>> requirement with some risk analysis information, might be a good place
>> to start.
>> I see nothing related to public discussion and root programs challenging
>> or denying the proposed exception.
>> In a follow-up email, Dimitris mentions the following:
>> The reason for requiring disclosure is meant as a first step for
>> understanding what's happening in reality and collect some meaningful
>> data by policy. [...] If, for example, m.d.s.p. receives 10 or 20
>> revocation exception cases within a 12-month period and none of them is
>> convincing to the community and module owners to justify the exception,
>> the policy can be updated with clear rules about the risk of distrust if
>> the revocation doesn't happen within 5 days.
>> In this proposal it is clear that the CA will *disclose* and not ask for
>> permission for extending the 24h/5 day period, and furthermore he
>> accepts the fact that these exceptions may not be later accepted by the
>> community, which may lead to changing the policy.
>>> A better example would be that if someone broke their leg for some
>>> reason, and therefore wants to delay payment of a debt by a short while,
>>> they should be able to ask for it, and the request would be considered
>>> on its merits, not based on a hard-nosed principle of never granting any
>>> extensions.
>> I think that the proper analogy is if someone broke their leg, and
>> therefore wants to delay payment of a bank debt, he should be able to
>> delay it without notifying the bank in time, but after he has decided
>> that he is fine and he can walk, he can go to the bank and explain them
>> why he delayed the payment. I do not consider this a good practice.
>>> Now because CAs making exceptions can be technically considered against
>>> the letter of the BRs, specifying how exceptions should be reviewed
>>> would constitute an admission by the community that exceptions might be
>>> ok in some cases.  Thus from a purely legalistic perspective it would
>>> constitute a weakening of the rules.  But only if one ignores the
>>> reality that such exceptions currently happen with little or no
>>> oversight.
>> Please see above, there is no review in the original proposal.
>>> As for doing risk assessments and reporting, no deep thinking and no
>>> special logging of considerations is needed when revoking as quickly
>>> as possible, well within the current 24 hour and 5 day deadlines (as
>>> applicable), which hopefully constitutes the vast majority of
>>> revocations.
>> So, is deep thinking needed in the rest of the cases? If yes, how do you
>> think that a CA will be able to do this risk assessment and how can root
>> store operators decide on this within 24h in order to extend this
>> period? If no, would you trust such a risk assessment?
>> Regards,
>> Fotis
>>> On 04/12/2018 11:02, Fotis Loukos wrote:
>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>> First of all, I would like to note that I am writing as an individual
>>>> and my opinion does not necessarily represent the opinion of my
>>>> employer.
>>>> An initial comment is that statements such as "I disagree that CAs are
>>>> "doing their best" to comply with the rules." because some CAs are
>>>> indeed not doing their best is simply a fallacy in Ryan's
>>>> argumentation,
>>>> the fallacy of composition. Dimitris does not represent all CAs, and
>>>> I'm
>>>> pretty sure that you are aware of this Ryan. Generalizations and the
>>>> distinction of two teams, our team (the browsers) and their team (the
>>>> CAs), where by default our team are the good guys and their team are
>>>> malicious is plain demagoguery. Since you like extreme examples, please
>>>> note that generalizations (we don't like a member of a demographic thus
>>>> all people from that demographic are bad) have lead humanity to
>>>> committing atrocities, let's not go down that road, especially since I
>>>> know you Ryan and you're definitely not that type of person.
>>>> I believe that the arguments presented by Dimitris are simply red
>>>> herring. Whether there is a blackout period, the CA lost internet
>>>> connectivity or a 65 character OU does not pose a risk to relying
>>>> parties is a form of ignoratio elenchi, a fallacy identified even by
>>>> Aristotle thousands of years ago. Using the same deductive reasoning,
>>>> someone could argue that if a person was scammed in participating in a
>>>> ponzi scheme and lost all his fortune, he can steal someone else's
>>>> money.
>>>> The true point of the argument is whether CAs should be allowed to
>>>> break
>>>> the BRs based on their own risk analysis. So, what is a certificate?
>>>> It's more or less an assertion. And making an assertion is equally
>>>> important as revoking it. As Ryan correctly mentioned, if this
>>>> becomes a
>>>> norm, why shouldn't CAs be allowed to make a risk analysis and decide
>>>> that they will break the BRs in making the assertion too, effectively
>>>> issuing certificates with their own validation methods? Where would
>>>> this
>>>> lead us? Who would be able to trust the WebPKI afterwards? Are we
>>>> looking into making it the wild west of the internet?
>>>> In addition, do you think that CAs should be audited regarding their
>>>> criteria for their risk analysis?
>>>> Furthermore, this poses a great risk for the CAs too. If this becomes a
>>>> practice, how can CAs be assured that the browsers won't make a risk
>>>> analysis and decide that an issuance made in accordance to all the
>>>> requirements in the BRs is a misissuance? Until now, we have seen that
>>>> browsers have distrusted CAs based on concrete evidence of
>>>> misissuances.
>>>> Do you think Dimitris that they should be allowed to distrust CAs based
>>>> on some risk analysis?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Fotis
>>>> On 30/11/18 6:13 μ.μ., Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 4:24 AM Dimitris Zacharopoulos
>>>>> <ji...@it.auth.gr>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 30/11/2018 1:49 π.μ., Ryan Sleevi wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 4:03 PM Dimitris Zacharopoulos via
>>>>>> dev-security-policy <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I didn't want to hijack the thread so here's a new one.
>>>>>>> Times and circumstances change.
>>>>>> You have to demonstrate that.
>>>>>> It's self-proved :-)
>>>>> This sort of glib reply shows a lack of good-faith effort to
>>>>> meaningfully
>>>>> engage. It's like forcing the discussion every minute, since,
>>>>> yanno, "times
>>>>> and circumstances have changed".
>>>>> I gave you concrete reasons why saying something like this is a
>>>>> demonstration of a weak and bad-faith argument. If you would like to
>>>>> meaningfully assert this, you would need to demonstrate what
>>>>> circumstances
>>>>> have changed in such a way as to warrant a rediscussion of
>>>>> something that
>>>>> gets 'relitigated' regularly - and, in fact, was something
>>>>> discussed in the
>>>>> CA/Browser Forum for the past two years. Just because you're
>>>>> unsatisfied
>>>>> with the result and now we're in a month that ends in "R" doesn't
>>>>> mean time
>>>>> and circumstances have changed meaningfully to support the discussion.
>>>>> Concrete suggestions involved a holistic look at _all_ revocations,
>>>>> since
>>>>> the discussion of exceptions is relevant to know whether we are
>>>>> discussing
>>>>> something that is 10%, 1%, .1%, or .00001%. Similarly, having the
>>>>> framework
>>>>> in place to consistently and objectively measure that helps us assess
>>>>> whether any proposals for exceptions would change that "1%" from being
>>>>> exceptional to seeing "10%" or "100%" being claimed as exceptional
>>>>> under
>>>>> some new regime.
>>>>> In the absence of that, it's an abusive and harmful act.
>>>>>> I already mentioned that this is separate from the incident report
>>>>>> (of the
>>>>>> actual mis-issuance). We have repeatedly seen post-mortems that
>>>>>> say that
>>>>>> for some specific cases (not all of them), the revocation of
>>>>>> certificates
>>>>>> will require more time.
>>>>> No. We've seen the claim it will require more time, frequently without
>>>>> evidence. However, I do think you're not understanding - there is
>>>>> nothing
>>>>> preventing CAs from sharing details, for all revocations they do,
>>>>> about the
>>>>> factors they considered, and the 'exceptional' cases to the customers,
>>>>> without requiring any BR violations (of the 24 hour / 5 day rule).
>>>>> That CAs
>>>>> don't do this only undermines any validity of the argument you are
>>>>> making.
>>>>> There is zero legitimate reason to normalize aberrant behaviour.
>>>>>> Even the underscore revocation deadline creates problems for some
>>>>>> large
>>>>>> organizations as Jeremy pointed out. I understand the compatibility
>>>>>> argument and CAs are doing their best to comply with the rules but
>>>>>> you are
>>>>>> advocating there should be no exceptions and you say that without
>>>>>> having
>>>>>> looked at specific evidence that would be provided by CAs asking for
>>>>>> exceptions. You would rather have Relying Parties loose their
>>>>>> internet
>>>>>> services from one of the Fortune 500 companies. As a Relying Party
>>>>>> myself,
>>>>>> I would hate it if I couldn't connect to my favorite online e-shop
>>>>>> or bank
>>>>>> or webmail. So I'm still confused about which Relying Party we are
>>>>>> trying
>>>>>> to help/protect by requiring the immediate revocation of a
>>>>>> Certificate that
>>>>>> has 65 characters in the OU field.
>>>>>> I also see your point that "if we start making exceptions..." it's
>>>>>> too
>>>>>> risky. I'm just suggesting that there should be some tolerance for
>>>>>> extended
>>>>>> revocations (to help with collecting more information) which doesn't
>>>>>> necessarily mean that we are dealing with a "bad" CA. I trust the
>>>>>> Mozilla
>>>>>> module owner's judgement to balance that. If the community
>>>>>> believes that
>>>>>> this problem is already solved, I'm happy with that :)
>>>>> The argument being made here is as odious as saying "We should have
>>>>> one day
>>>>> where all crime is legal, including murder" or "Those who knowingly
>>>>> buy
>>>>> stolen goods should be able to keep them, because they're using them".
>>>>> I disagree that CAs are "doing their best" to comply with the
>>>>> rules. The
>>>>> post-mortems continually show a lack of applied best practice.
>>>>> DigiCert's
>>>>> example is, I think, a good one - because I do not believe it's
>>>>> reasonable
>>>>> for DigiCert to have argued that there was ambiguity, given that
>>>>> prior to
>>>>> the ballot, it was agreed they were forbidden, a ballot to explicitly
>>>>> permit them failed, and the discussion of that ballot explicitly
>>>>> cited why
>>>>> they weren't valid. From that, several non-DigiCert CAs took steps to
>>>>> migrate their customers and cease issuance. As such, you cannot
>>>>> reasonably
>>>>> argue DigiCert was doing "their best", unless you're willing to
>>>>> accept that
>>>>> DigiCert's best is, in fact, far lower than the industry norm.
>>>>> The framing about "Think about harm to the Subscriber" is, again,
>>>>> one that
>>>>> is actively harmful, and, as coming from a CA, somewhat offensive,
>>>>> because
>>>>> it shows a difference in perspective that further emphasizes why CA's
>>>>> judgement cannot be trusted. In this regard, we're in agreement
>>>>> that the
>>>>> certificates we're discussing are clearly misissued - the CA was never
>>>>> authorized to have issued that certificate, and thus the Subscriber
>>>>> has
>>>>> obtained it illegitimately. Regardless of whether the fault was
>>>>> their own
>>>>> or not, the CA has "stolen", if you will, from the public bank of
>>>>> trust and
>>>>> compatibility, that certificate, and then sold it to the Subscriber.
>>>>> The arguments for why that should be OK have basically boiled into
>>>>> some
>>>>> segment of trying to figure out whether the victims "deserved" it
>>>>> (that is,
>>>>> was the car stolen from a church-going grandma or from a violent
>>>>> criminal)
>>>>> and whether the buyer of the illicit goods really needs it ("They
>>>>> have very
>>>>> important meetings"). To continue the argument-through-analogy (or,
>>>>> to more
>>>>> aptly, highlight why I find the underlying argument offensive),
>>>>> it's like
>>>>> saying it's OK to speed if you have a really important meeting to
>>>>> get to.
>>>>> This is not about "medical emergencies" as a justification for
>>>>> speeding -
>>>>> the situation here is entirely predictable to the Subscriber and
>>>>> entirely
>>>>> under their control. In the Subscriber Agreement, every single
>>>>> Subscriber
>>>>> agrees to and acknowledges that their CA will revoke if the CA
>>>>> screws up.
>>>>> Thus, every single Subscriber needs to be prepared. The argument
>>>>> that "They
>>>>> didn't know" or "They couldn't predict" is demonstrably and
>>>>> factually false.
>>>>>> How do CAs provide this? For *all* revocations, provide meaningful
>>>>>> data. I
>>>>>> do not see there being any value to discussing further extensions
>>>>>> until we
>>>>>> have systemic transparency in place, and I do not see any good
>>>>>> coming from
>>>>>> trying to change at the same time as placing that systemic
>>>>>> transparency in
>>>>>> place, because there’s no way to measure the (negative) impact
>>>>>> such change
>>>>>> would have.
>>>>>> I don't see how data and evidence for "all revocations" somehow makes
>>>>>> things better, unless I misunderstood your proposal. It's not a
>>>>>> balanced
>>>>>> request. It would be a huge effort for CAs to write risk
>>>>>> assessment reports
>>>>>> for each revocation. Why not focus on the rare cases which
>>>>>> justifies the
>>>>>> extra effort from CAs to write a disclosure letter requesting more
>>>>>> days for
>>>>>> revocation? Why not add some rules on what's the minimum
>>>>>> information that's
>>>>>> expected for these cases? If you want this to be part of the incident
>>>>>> report, that's fine.
>>>>> As explained above, the core to the assertion being made here is
>>>>> that a
>>>>> system of extended revocation is only usable for "exceptional"
>>>>> situations.
>>>>> But we clearly know that everyone has an incentive to claim their
>>>>> situation
>>>>> is exceptional. Without a structured analysis, before any changes,
>>>>> about
>>>>> the nature of revocations, no one can assess whether this is .0001% of
>>>>> revocations or 100% of revocations. Thus, this is an absolute and
>>>>> non-negotiable pre-condition for such discussions about exceptional
>>>>> situations.
>>>>>> The systemic transparency you are asking, as I understand it,
>>>>>> would be
>>>>>> m.d.s.p. We already see incident reports being published here. CAs
>>>>>> who seek
>>>>>> more than 5 days for revoking affected certificates would disclose
>>>>>> more
>>>>>> details about the specifics of these revocations.
>>>>> Your failure to plan does not make an emergency. The idea that the
>>>>> community should have only 5 days to discuss. As we've seen during
>>>>> "exceptional" discussions, Subscribers and CAs tend to assume that the
>>>>> exception will be granted, and thus fail to take steps to prepare
>>>>> for it
>>>>> being rejected. So, in effect, not only is the argument "There
>>>>> should be a
>>>>> discussion" but "All representations from CAs and Subscribers
>>>>> should be
>>>>> deemed as valid", despite there being ample evidence that such
>>>>> approaches
>>>>> fundamentally and critically weaken security. That's extremely
>>>>> naive to
>>>>> think "times and circumstances change".
>>>>>> CAs are evaluated using schemes based on Risk Management.
>>>>> That is a problem with the schemes, and why significant effort is
>>>>> being
>>>>> placed to improve those schemes. "The status quo is bad, so what's
>>>>> the harm
>>>>> in making things worse" is not a compelling narrative.
>>>>>> There is no zero risk. It's like saying there is 100% security.
>>>>>> You can
>>>>>> add controls to minimize risk to acceptable levels. Even when
>>>>>> mitigations
>>>>>> are added, you have residual risk. However, layered controls and
>>>>>> compensating controls help to avoid disasters. I just don't
>>>>>> believe it's
>>>>>> black or white and I think the module owners probably agree with that
>>>>>> statement (
>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.security.policy/tbSkcGHg1kA/CkrM6taBAwAJ).
>>>>>> If that was the case, every single BR violation or Root Policy
>>>>>> violation
>>>>>> would be treated as a trigger for a complete distrust.
>>>>> Every single BR violation and Root Policy Violation is absolutely a
>>>>> consideration for complete distrust. Whether or not it triggers
>>>>> complete
>>>>> distrust is based on weighing the impact of that distrust. We
>>>>> absolutely
>>>>> want to move to a world where BR violations are exceptions, not the
>>>>> rules.
>>>>> Your proposal for how to do that is to make sure things aren't BR
>>>>> violations. That would certainly solve the problem, by making the
>>>>> ecosystem
>>>>> less reliable and trustworthy. My proposal is that CAs need to do
>>>>> better,
>>>>> and their failure to adequately inform Subscribers of their Subscriber
>>>>> Agreements does not a community problem make.
>>>>>> Go read
>>>>>> https://zakird.com/papers/zlint.pdf to see a systemic, thorough,
>>>>>> analysis
>>>>>> that supports what I described to you, and disagrees with your
>>>>>> framing. We
>>>>>> know what the warning signs are - and it’s continued framing of
>>>>>> “low” risk
>>>>>> that collectively presents “severe” risk.
>>>>>> I wasn't aware of that paper, it contains valuable information,
>>>>>> thank you
>>>>>> for sharing. Notice the abstract that says "We find that the
>>>>>> number of
>>>>>> errors has drastically reduced since 2012. In 2017, only 0.02% of
>>>>>> certificates have errors". To me, this is a positive indicator
>>>>>> that the
>>>>>> ecosystem is continuously improving.
>>>>> Yes. Because CAs are being distrusted.
>>>>>> I have listened to this argument before but unfortunately it leads
>>>>>> nowhere. How badly are we interested in interop to justify being
>>>>>> "the bad
>>>>>> guys" and how "disruptive" will our actions be for Relying
>>>>>> Parties? It is a
>>>>>> very difficult problem to solve but the ecosystem has made progress:
>>>>>> - disclosure of intermediate CA Certificates
>>>>>> - identifying and fixing problematic OCSP responders
>>>>>> - increased supervision to the issued certificates with CT and
>>>>>> linters
>>>>>> providing public information about mis-issuances
>>>>>> - browsers enforcing BR requirements with code (e.g. certificate
>>>>>> validity
>>>>>> duration)
>>>>>> With these controls in place, CAs are very much obligated to
>>>>>> follow the
>>>>>> rules or face the consequences. Browsers use telemetry to detect
>>>>>> violations
>>>>>> of the standards and create plans on addressing those issues.
>>>>>> These plans
>>>>>> usually include discussions in m.d.s.p. or the CA/B Forum in order
>>>>>> for the
>>>>>> CAs to participate and create the necessary rules -along with the
>>>>>> browsers-
>>>>>> to address these incompatibilities.
>>>>> This is a fundamentally disgusting framing. And I do mean it with that
>>>>> extreme and emotive work, because it's digusting to suggest that
>>>>> enforcing
>>>>> contracts and norms is the "bad guys", and is an appeal to the
>>>>> listeners of
>>>>> this argument to try to place yourself as somehow arguing for the
>>>>> "good"
>>>>> guys - to use the earlier analogy, to try and suggest you're Robin
>>>>> Hood
>>>>> rather than Enron.
>>>>> CAs have a critical and fundamental role in issuing certificates. They
>>>>> choose whether or not to violate the BRs. Every Subscriber agrees to a
>>>>> contract that acknowledges that if the CA screws up, their
>>>>> certificate will
>>>>> be revoked. Now, on the basis that some people (typically, large
>>>>> corporations) haven't really read their contract, or are convinced
>>>>> that
>>>>> somehow it's unfair to actually follow the thing they agreed to,
>>>>> they would
>>>>> like to renegotiate the contract when it no longer benefits them.
>>>>> We have seen, over the past two decades, incredible harm from not
>>>>> ensuring
>>>>> these are consistently followed and applied. We've seen, over the
>>>>> past two
>>>>> decades, incredibly poor judgement. We have not seen any data to
>>>>> suggest
>>>>> things have improved - rather, we've seen some of the worst offenders
>>>>> removed as CAs. Even if the mean has gone up, the median and mode have
>>>>> remained unchanged. That's not improvement.
>>>>>> It’s a perfect example of why your argument DOESN’T work. As
>>>>>> Mozilla has
>>>>>> shared in the CA/B Forum, people don’t fix their site - they blame
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> browser, and keep on with the brokenness. Firefox is the one
>>>>>> having to
>>>>>> change to “accommodate” that.
>>>>>> Or, they might blame the CA for providing them a "thing" that
>>>>>> doesn't work
>>>>>> with all major browsers :)
>>>>> Or the world might end tomorrow. I told you something that exactly is
>>>>> happening, and you respond with a hypothetical that isn't. That's
>>>>> not as
>>>>> insightful as the :) may be trying to capture.
>>>>>> This statement underestimating the reflexes of the Root programs. The
>>>>>> reason for requiring disclosure is meant as a first step for
>>>>>> understanding
>>>>>> what's happening in reality and collect some meaningful data by
>>>>>> policy.
>>>>>> Once Mozilla collects enough information to make a safe
>>>>>> estimation, the
>>>>>> policy can be updated to allow or forbid certain situations. If, for
>>>>>> example, m.d.s.p. receives 10 or 20 revocation exception cases
>>>>>> within a
>>>>>> 12-month period and none of them is convincing to the community
>>>>>> and module
>>>>>> owners to justify the exception, the policy can be updated with
>>>>>> clear rules
>>>>>> about the risk of distrust if the revocation doesn't happen within
>>>>>> 5 days.
>>>>>> That would be a simple, clear rule. Does Mozilla have the
>>>>>> information to
>>>>>> make such an aggressive rule change today? Maybe.
>>>>> This position presumes the argument is valid, which I've tried to
>>>>> show why
>>>>> it isn't. It further tries to say that the best thing to do is
>>>>> accept the
>>>>> harm your proposal would cause - which I've shown based on repeated
>>>>> real-world application of the principles you propose to use - and then
>>>>> re-evaluate it. Here's a better solution: Don't accept the harm.
>>>>> There's no
>>>>> reason to hold a Purge to see "if it works out". There's no reason
>>>>> to allow
>>>>> rampant theft, to see if people are happier once they get what
>>>>> their heart
>>>>> most desires. That's negligent and irresponsible, and that's what's
>>>>> being
>>>>> proposed here.
>>>>> That's an extreme and emotive take - but that's because these
>>>>> arguments are
>>>>> by no means new, they're ones that have been discussed for years.
>>>>> Even when
>>>>> wrapped up as a "thinking about how to help" package, they're still
>>>>> fundamentally flawed and based on a lack of consideration or
>>>>> analysis of
>>>>> how things have worked or are working. Regardless of good intent,
>>>>> much like
>>>>> Swift's "Modest Proposal" was rather heinous, the proposal here is
>>>>> fundamentally flawed in a way that will cause real and lasting
>>>>> harm. A more
>>>>> negative read would suggest its an attempt to move the Overton
>>>>> Window of
>>>>> discourse, by suggesting that somehow browsers are "the bad guys" for
>>>>> requiring that CAs do what they say they'll do as a condition of
>>>>> trust.
>>>>> We're not "the bad guys" for pointing out deceptive practices and
>>>>> holding
>>>>> the bearers of keys to the Internet accountable for what they said
>>>>> and did.
>>>>>> I disagree that we’ve seen systemic improvements as a whole. There
>>>>>> are a
>>>>>> few CAs trying to do better, but the incident reporting of today
>>>>>> clearly
>>>>>> shows exactly what I’m saying - that the industry has not actually
>>>>>> matured
>>>>>> as you suggest. What has changed has largely been driven by those
>>>>>> outside
>>>>>> CAs - whether those who were wanting to become CAs (Amazon with
>>>>>> certlint)
>>>>>> or those analyzing CA’s failures  (ZLint).
>>>>>> If we truly care about the ecosystem, it doesn't really matter
>>>>>> where the
>>>>>> systemic improvements come from. CAs and Browsers have contributed
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> Network Security Guidelines, the BRs (to improve and limit validation
>>>>>> methods, add CAA and so much more). I agree we should expect every
>>>>>> CA to
>>>>>> develop tools or use existing ones to ensure they are complying
>>>>>> with all
>>>>>> rules. We occasionally see some exceptions and this is evaluated on a
>>>>>> case-by-case basis. "Accidents" and mistakes do happen and as it
>>>>>> has been
>>>>>> discussed in the past, it's collective failures that pose the
>>>>>> greatest risk
>>>>>> and we have seen hard decisions being made to minimize or
>>>>>> eliminate these
>>>>>> risks.
>>>>> I would believe we'd seen systemic improvements once we saw legacy
>>>>> CAs no
>>>>> longer believing they had "exceptional" situations where they did
>>>>> not do
>>>>> what they say they would do (correct issuance), do not want to do
>>>>> what they
>>>>> said they would do in those situations (revoke), and somehow want to
>>>>> present it as Subscribers not knowing what would happen (when it's
>>>>> baked
>>>>> right into their contract).
>>>>>> I also protest against the "grossly negligent and irresponsible"
>>>>>> part and
>>>>>> I'm afraid statements like that alienate people from participating
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> proposing anything. Simply disagreeing would ultimately have the same
>>>>>> effect in this conversation. You have already provided good arguments
>>>>>> against my proposal for people to evaluate.
>>>>> That's the thing, though. Much like proposals to hold the purge, eat
>>>>> babies, or legalize theft, there are some arguments that are so deeply
>>>>> odious, that whether presented in jest or good faith, are actively
>>>>> harmful
>>>>> and damaging. I don't use this lightly to shut down conversation,
>>>>> but as a
>>>>> long-standing participant in the Forum and the list, you know that the
>>>>> ideas you're proposing here are nothing new and have been debated for
>>>>> years. The community knows and can see the consequences of the
>>>>> principles
>>>>> you propose - with real harm and real potential at loss of life or
>>>>> serious
>>>>> disruption - and so this isn't "Hey, I had some new idea to share,"
>>>>> but an
>>>>> idea that has been thoroughly explored and completely rejected.
>>>>> I've been trying to capture more productive ways forward to
>>>>> countenance
>>>>> such a re-discussion - and I think the core of it goes to the claim
>>>>> that
>>>>> "exceptional" situations have incredible cost, to all participants,
>>>>> and so
>>>>> concrete data is needed. If CAs find it expensive to analyze their
>>>>> revocations, the reasons, and the challenges, then it suggests that
>>>>> supply
>>>>> "exceptional" access to their customers / industry is not, in fact, a
>>>>> priority they're willing to meaningfully engage on.
>>> Enjoy
>>> Jakob
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dev-security-policy mailing list
  • CA disclosure of revocation... Dimitris Zacharopoulos via dev-security-policy
    • Re: CA disclosure of r... Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
      • Re: CA disclosure ... Dimitris Zacharopoulos via dev-security-policy
        • Re: CA disclos... Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
          • Re: CA dis... Fotis Loukos via dev-security-policy
            • Re: C... Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy
              • R... Fotis Loukos via dev-security-policy
                • ... Dimitris Zacharopoulos via dev-security-policy
                • ... Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
                • ... Fotis Loukos via dev-security-policy
                • ... Dimitris Zacharopoulos via dev-security-policy
                • ... Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
                • ... Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy
            • Re: C... Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
              • R... Fotis Loukos via dev-security-policy
                • ... Eric Mill via dev-security-policy

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