I wrote:

  As I said above, you can get arbitrarily silly with this.  I'm sure if we
  looked at other CA's code at the insane level of nitpickyness that
  DarkMatter's use of EJBCA has been examined, we'd find reasons why their
  implementations are non-compliant as well.

Seconds after sending it, this arrived:

  As of 9pm AZ on 3/6/2019 GoDaddy started researching the 64bit certificate
  Serial Number issue. We have identified a significant quantity of
  certificates (> 1.8million) not meeting the 64bit serial number requirement.

I rest my case.

Oh, and the BR's need an update so that half the CAs on the planet aren't
suddenly non-BR compliant based on the DarkMatter-specific interpretation.

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