In the course of normal communications with AT&T, we came across an SSL
certificate that did not have the required AIA extension in it on Friday
April 16th. We had a conference call shortly thereafter and they verified
that one of their current EJBCA certificate profiles is missing this

They think that the certificate profile was not maintained when they
performed a recent EJBCA upgrade. They believe the upgrade was done in March
and that most of the certificates that were replaced due to the 63 bit
serial number incident have been replaced with certificates that do not
contain the AIA extension.

GlobalSign would have been detected this during our 100% audit of their
March certificates; however due to AT&T staff vacation schedules, the March
upload of issued certificates was delayed.

We're working with them to obtain the timeline for the change, the dates
during which they misissued certificates, the list of affected certificates,
and the replacement and revocation schedule.

It should be noted that these certificates are not posted to CT logs nor are
they accessed via browsers as they are used within closed networks, but
we'll get more details on their exact usage shortly.

I've created this bug to track this issue:


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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