FYI, we posted this today:


Basically we discovered an issue with our CAA record checking system. If the
system timed out, we would treat the failure as a DNS failure instead of an
internal failure. Per the BRs Section 3.2.2:

"CAs are permitted to treat a record lookup failure as permission to issue

. the failure is outside the CA's infrastructure; 

. the lookup has been retried at least once; and 

. the domain's zone does not have a DNSSEC validation chain to the ICANN


The failure was not outside our infrastructure so issuance was improper. 


We checked all the applicable CAA records and found 16 where the CAA record
would not permit us to issue if we were issuing a new cert today. What we
are proposing is to revoke these certificates and reissue them (if they pass
all the proper checks). The rest would pass if we issued today so we were
going to leave these where they are while disclosing them to the Mozilla


Other suggestions are welcome. 


The issue was put into the code back when CAA record checking became
mandatory (Sept 2017).  We generally have a peer review of our code so that
at least one other developer has looked at the system before release. In
this case, neither PM nor a second reviewer was involved in the development.
We've since implemented more stringent development processes, including
ensuring a PM reviews and brings questions about projects to the compliance


Anyway, let me know what questions, comments, etc you have.




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