On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 6:06 PM Paul Walsh via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> I believe an alternative icon to the encryption lock would make a massive
> difference to combating the security threats that involve dangerous links
> and websites. I provided data to back up my beliefs.

Here's peer-reviewed data, in top-tier venues, that shows the beliefs are

Do you have any peer-reviewed data to support your beliefs? It seemed like
the only data shared was from vendors marketing solutions in this space,
although perhaps it was overlooked.

> The reverse-proxy phishing technique bypasses Google’s own Safe Browser
> API inside their own WebView while their own users sign into Google pages
> while using Google’s Authenticator for 2FA. So their answer? In June 2019
> they banned users from signing into Google’s pages while using mobile apps
> with a WebView. This tells you what you need to know about Safe Browser API
> - finally I have the evidence to prove that it’s an “ok” solution at best.
> Most security companies still think it’s great - because they’re not in
> possession of all the facts.

While I suspect I'll regret replying to this message, since so much of it
is off-topic for this discussion Forum, I do want to point out the
attribution error being made with correlation versus causation. You're
making a specific conclusion about why WebView-based sign-ins were banned,
without any supporting data, along with factually-suspect statements that
are unsupported.

For example, this unsupported speculation conveniently ignores that, until
Android 8.0 (Oreo), WebView did not participate in Safe Browsing checks,
for example,
. It also seems, mysteriously, to ignore that WebView-based sign-ins and
credentials gives the hosting application full access to the user's cookies
( https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/CookieManager ).
It's an interesting theory that the reason for forbidding is phishing, but
conveniently ignores many facts in order to try and support it.

I suspect this is all the result of ignoring the stated reasons, such as
, and instead speculating about hidden intents. I'm hoping you could
provide data to support the claim being made?

WebAuthn-based security is something we can agree on being brilliant.
> Finally. However, we will not see mainstream adoption for it ever, or for a
> very long time. So, we need to do something to protect people for the next
> 5 years.

It would be remiss not to highlight how effortless incongruous this is with
the previous arguments. The discussion of phishing has, to date, been
focused on "large" targets - for example, Google, Microsoft Office 365, and
PayPal. This is perhaps unsurprising, as they're popular phishing targets.
The adoption of WebAuthN by those three sites would, thus, correspondingly
have a marked decrease in phishing.

Amazingly, there's public data to support this hypothesis,
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