On Sat, Oct 5, 2019 at 6:32 AM Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> Thanks Jeremy, Dimitris,
> It does help clarify. I think we're all on the same page: namely, in all
> cases, the CA does the validation of (at minimum) the domain portion.
> I think it might be useful to think of this like the split between
> Authorization Domain Name and Fully Qualified Domain Name. A CA isn't
> /required/ to only use the ADN, they could validate just the FQDN and
> always at the FQDN level. But, in both cases, they have to at least
> validate (a portion of) the domain name.
> For S/MIME, the idea here is:
> - If the CA had validated the domain portion, they could delegate the
> validation of the local part to the RA. This is the same as the concept of
> Enterprise RA, which allows the RA to handle the O/OU and other attributes,
> as long as the CA validated the domain.
> - Alternatively, the CA could validate the entire e-mail address (e.g.
> using a random value)
> But in both cases, the CA is involved in any domain-part validation.
> Perhaps said differently:

It's not clear if you intended the following to be a concrete policy
proposal, but I'll treat it as such.

The CA MUST verify all e-mail addresses using a process that is
> substantially similar to the process used to verify domain names, as
> described in the Baseline Requirements.

This seems problematic because it could be interpreted as forbidding an
email challenge-response validation, not to mention that "substantially"
leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

The CA SHALL NOT delegate validation of the domain part of an e-mail
> address.

This is

The CA SHALL NOT delegate validation of the local part of an e-mail address
> except when delegating to an Enteprise RA, provided that the domain part of
> the e-mail address is within the Enteprise RA's verified Domain Namespace.
This seems to go beyond the original intent of this issue and the
discussion to-date, and Enterprise RAs are not defined in the context of
S/MIME certificates. Why is the existing language in section 2.2(2)
insufficient to cover this requirement?

I tried a couple variations of this (e.g. MAY delegate), but that could be
> read as a loophole of allowing other forms of local-part delegation (i.e.
> the "MAY" reads as "MAY use an Enterprise RA, or MAY use whatever else you
> want", instead of "MAY" only if Enterprise RA)
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