On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 11:48 AM Nick Lamb <n...@tlrmx.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Mar 2020 13:27:59 -0700
> Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
> <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> > I'd like to ask for input from the community: is this a requirement
> > that we should add to the Mozilla policy at this time (effective
> > September 1, 2020)?
> If Mozilla adds this as a policy requirement it should also land
> enforcement in Firefox that rejects certificates which violate this
> policy. I tried to investigate whether this currently happens for the
> 825 day rule in the BRs but failed to satisfy myself either way.
I'm fairly certain that there is no validity period enforcement in Firefox.
The request is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=908125 I'm also
not in a position to commit Mozilla to technical enforcement if we adopt a
policy of 398 days. However, I believe there is still value in the policy
alone - violations are easily detected via CT logs, and making them a
misissuance under our policy then obligates the CA to file a public
incident report.

> I read the SC22 discussion when it happened but I will re-read it all in
> the light of Apple's recent decision and your question and post again
> if that results in something I miss here.
> One thing Mozilla definitely shouldn't replicate is Apple's decision to
> present this to CA/B in person - resulting in tech news coverage based
> on hearsay and conjecture - then only follow up days later to the wider
> population with material that doesn't cover every obvious question a
> reasonable person would have. A few hours before Clint's post I actually
> had to explain to someone that their understanding of the issue was
> probably wrong† - but with nothing official from Apple it was
> impossible to say so definitively, which means they're left pointlessly
> confused, presumably not Apple's purpose here.
> If Mozilla does follow Apple's policy here (which I am minded to think
> is the wiser course) they should make sure to have materials on hand
> immediately to clarify exactly what that will mean to both specialists
> and lay people when that policy is announced.
As usual, I'll propose the policy language and we'll discuss it on the list.

> †They had imagined existing two year certificates would suddenly cease
> to work on iPhones after their first year, which of course would be a
> nightmare to manage and does not match Clint's confirmation here that
> notBefore will be used to decide which certificates the policy applies
> to.
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