Yeah  - that’s about the sum of it. I’ll file an incident report.

There are two things worth discussing in general:

  1.  I’m very interested in seeing the Let’s Encrypt response to this issue 
since the biggest obstacle in trying to find all of the keys with the same 
private key is the sheer volume of the certs. Trying to do a comprehensive 
search when a private key is provided leaves some window between when we start 
the analysis and when we revoke.

  1.  Another issue in trying to report keys that aren’t affiliated with any 
cert is that the process becomes subject to abuse. Without knowing a cert 
affiliated with a key, someone can continuously generate keys and submit them 
as compromised. You end up just blacklisting random keys, DDOSing the 
revocation system as it kicks off another request to  search for those keys.  I 
don’t think it’s feasible. This is why the disclosures need to be affiliated 
with actual certs.

From: Ryan Sleevi <>
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 10:54 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley <>
Cc: Matt Palmer <>; Mozilla 
Subject: Re: Digicert: failure to revoke certificate with previously 
compromised key

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:01 AM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
Hey Matt,

Ryan's post was the part I thought was relevant, but I understood it 
differently. The cert was issued, but we should have now revoked it (24 hours 
after receiving notice). I do see your interpretation though, and the language 
does support 24 hours after issuing the new cert.  What I need is a tool that 
scans after revocation to ensure there are no additional certs with the same 
key.  The frustration is that this was where the cert was issued after our scan 
of all keys but just before revocation.  As a side note, our system blacklists 
the keys when a cert is revoked for key compromise, which means I don't have a 
way to blacklist a key before a cert is ever issued.

Matt, Jeremy,

To make sure I understand the timeline correctly:
2020-03-20 02:05:49 UTC - Matt reports SPKI 
4310b6bc0841efd7fcec6ba0ed1f36e7a28bf9a707ae7f7771e2cd4b6f31b5af, associated 
with , as compromised
2020-03-21 01:56:31 UTC - DigiCert issues with 
that same SPKI
2020-03-21 02:09:12 UTC - DigiCert revokes
2020-03-23 03:16:18 UTC - DigiCert revokes

Is that roughly correct?

If so, it does seem like an Incident Report is warranted here, so we can 
understand why:
a) wasn't revoked when was revoked (assuming those timestamps in the CRL 
are accurate)
b) The key wasn't blocklisted as known compromised (if the timestamps are 

That is, it doesn't seem unreasonable that, for situations of key compromise, 
the CA has the necessary data to scan their systems for potential reuse of that 
key. Given DigiCert's data 
lake<>, it should be 
possible to scan for issues.

If I've misunderstood the timing here, please feel free to correct. This is 
where the incident report process is useful, and Resolved/Invalid is a 
perfectly fine state to end in.
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