On 10/16/20 11:26 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
Because of this, it seems that there is a simpler, clearer, unambiguous
path for CAs that seems useful to move to:
- If a CA is trusted for purpose X, that certificate, and all subordinate
CAs, should be audited against the criteria relevant for X

I am in favor of this approach for a future version of Mozilla's Root Store Policy, but I prefer not to try to tackle it in this v2.7.1 update. So I filed a github issue to remind us to consider this in the next version:


I have added a section called "EV TLS Capable" to the wiki pages, and I will appreciate feedback on it:


For this MRSP Issue #152 update to v2.7.1, I propose that we make each occurrence of "capable of issuing EV certificates" link to https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/EV_Processing_for_CAs#EV_TLS_Capable


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