> Is it necessary to start a new discussion every time a new CA Certificate is 
> about to be issued for that same type and class, or not ? Ben, would it make 
> sense to add a new section to address this issue so there is no confusion?


One major downside of mandating a public discussion for the issuance of a subCA 
certificate of the same type and class is one of agility: the requirement for 
public discussion would be a disincentive for shorter subCA certificate 
validity periods. Additionally, if revocation is required for a subCA 
certificate, the requirement for a public discussion and approval for its 
replacement would likely be an impediment to the timely revocation and 
replacement process.





From: Dimitris Zacharopoulos <ji...@it.auth.gr> 
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2021 11:47 AM
To: Corey Bonnell <corey.bonn...@digicert.com>; Ben Wilson <bwil...@mozilla.com>
Cc: dev-secur...@mozilla.org <dev-security-policy@mozilla.org>
Subject: Re: Policy 2.8: MRSP Issue #233: Wiki page documenting process for 
reviewing externally operated subordinate CAs


One more issue to clarify is what happens during the SubCA renewal process (and 
what "renewal" means), or issuance of another subCA to an organization that has 
already been approved for the same certificate type (server or email) and class 
(EV or not for server certificates).

Is it necessary to start a new discussion every time a new CA Certificate is 
about to be issued for that same type and class, or not ? Ben, would it make 
sense to add a new section to address this issue so there is no confusion?

Also, where would the information about the unconstrained external SubCAs that 
have passed public discussion and have been approved or denied be located?


On 11/11/2021 3:21 μ.μ., 'Corey Bonnell' via dev-security-policy@mozilla.org 
<mailto:dev-security-policy@mozilla.org>  wrote:

Hi Ben,

I think the expectation can be clarified by amending the paragraph starting 
with “The process outlined herein applies to subCA operators not already in the 
Mozilla root program”. I suggest explicitly mentioning the three different 
types of trust, namely Email, (non-EV) Websites, and EV Websites and requiring 
the process be followed whenever an organization is to receive a subCA 
certificate that grants one or more of those technical capabilities that the 
organization did not have in the Mozilla root program. As a concrete proposal:


“The process outlined herein applies to organizations that do not control a 
Root or subCA certificate trusted by the Mozilla root program. Additionally, 
the process outlined herein applies to organizations that control a subCA or 
Root CA certificate in Mozilla’s root program but the new subCA certificate 
will grant technical capability for the issuance of additional types of 
certificates. Specifically, the process outlined herein MUST be followed when 
an organization does not control a subCA or Root CA certificate that grants 
capability to issue certificates of one or more of the following types and the 
new subCA certificate will grant such capability: S/MIME (Email trust bit), 
(DV/IV/OV) TLS Server Authentication (Websites trust bit), and/or EV TLS Server 
Authentication (Websites trust bit with EV-enablement).”





From: Ben Wilson  <mailto:bwil...@mozilla.com> <bwil...@mozilla.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 5:46 PM
To: Corey Bonnell  <mailto:corey.bonn...@digicert.com> 
Cc: dev-secur...@mozilla.org <mailto:dev-secur...@mozilla.org>   
<mailto:dev-security-policy@mozilla.org> <dev-security-policy@mozilla.org>
Subject: Re: Policy 2.8: MRSP Issue #233: Wiki page documenting process for 
reviewing externally operated subordinate CAs


Hi Corey,


I think I'll disagree with your conclusion that there is no need to perform a 
review of Sub CA B for issuance of a new intermediate certificate to it with 
the serverAuth EKU.


Let's assume that Root CA A already has both the websites bit and the email bit 
enabled by Mozilla. And assume that the review-and-comment process for Sub CA B 
focused only on the enablement of that CA for S/MIME certificate issuance. What 
if there had not been a thorough review of Sub CA B's Compliance Self 
Assessment (Required Documentation 
#6) because much of the assessment applies only to server certificate issuance 
(i.e. what if the assessment had been filled with a lot of "N/A"s)? Then, the 
prior public discussion was insufficient.("Prior to public discussion, the root 
CA operator must confirm that it has verified all of the following information, 
which must be provided when the root CA operator starts the public 


However, all of this might be different if the review of Sub CA B was thorough 
enough to cover server certificate issuance.


I suppose I can make that more clear on the wiki page. I also welcome any 






On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 3:30 PM Corey Bonnell <corey.bonn...@digicert.com 
<mailto:corey.bonn...@digicert.com> > wrote:

Hi Ben,

A scenario came to mind that may deserve further clarity in the text, so I 
wanted to raise it here. Suppose Root CA “A” kicks off the 
information-gathering and review process for Sub CA “B” (as outlined on the 
Wiki page) for the issuance of a subordinate CA certificate containing solely 
id-kp-emailProtection. The discussion ends favorably and Sub CA B is marked in 
CCADB as an “approved” organization. Some time later, Sub CA B wishes to obtain 
a subordinate certificate containing id-kp-serverAuth. Since this organization 
has previously been approved, according to the proposed language, there is no 
need to undergo the review and approval process again despite the difference in 
technical capability and audit requirements of the subordinate CAs.


Is this an accurate read of the proposed language?





From: dev-security-policy@mozilla.org <mailto:dev-security-policy@mozilla.org>  
<dev-security-policy@mozilla.org <mailto:dev-security-policy@mozilla.org> > On 
Behalf Of Ben Wilson
Sent: Monday, November 1, 2021 2:58 PM
To: dev-secur...@mozilla.org <mailto:dev-secur...@mozilla.org>  
<dev-security-policy@mozilla.org <mailto:dev-security-policy@mozilla.org> >
Subject: Re: Policy 2.8: MRSP Issue #233: Wiki page documenting process for 
reviewing externally operated subordinate CAs


I am proposing that we create a link in the MRSP to the process for review and 
approval of third-party externally operated CAs as indicated in the following 



On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 2:56 PM Ben Wilson <bwil...@mozilla.com 
<mailto:bwil...@mozilla.com> > wrote:



This email introduces another issue selected to be addressed in the next 
version of the Mozilla Root Store Policy (MSRP), version 2.8, to be published 
in 2022. (See  <https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/labels/2.8> 


This is Github Issue #233 <https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/issues/233> .  


I have re-published the wiki page for the process of reviewing and approving 
externally operated subordinate CAs.  Here is the URL:



This issue is also related to an m.d.s.p. email that I sent and comments 
received with a subject line: Process for Considering Externally Operated 
Subordinate CAs 


Please provide any additional comments you may have regarding the review and 
approval process for externally operated subordinate CAs.




Ben Wilson

Mozilla Root Program Manager



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