On 11/11/2021 12:10 μ.μ., Dimitris Zacharopoulos wrote:

I am having trouble understanding the following phrase under 4.

/"//that are not inconsistent with id-kp-emailProtection" /

and I'm not sure if it is because of a double negative or something else missing. Ben, or anyone, can you please share some examples of "consistent" and "inconsistent" EKUs with id-kp-emailProtection to make this requirement a bit more clear?

1. and 3. are already covered in 4. You use "encourage" to recommend something. I suggest we avoid using RFC 2119 specific terms like "SHOULD NOT" if it is just to "encourage" a practice.

In order to have some symmetry between the email and server certificates, I made an attempt to consolidate the information. Here is a proposed change:

Current section 5.3.1 text:

/"We encourage CAs to technically constrain all intermediate certificates. For a certificate to be considered technically constrained, the certificate MUST include an //Extended Key Usage (EKU) <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section->//extension specifying all extended key usages that the subordinate CA is authorized to issue certificates for. The anyExtendedKeyUsage KeyPurposeId MUST NOT appear within this extension./


/If the certificate includes the id-kp-serverAuth extended key usage, then to be considered technically constrained, the certificate MUST be Name Constrained as described in section 7.1.5 of version 1.3 or later of the //Baseline Requirements <https://cabforum.org/baseline-requirements-documents/>//. The conformance requirements defined in section 2.3 of this policy also apply to technically constrained intermediate certificates./


/If the certificate includes the id-kp-emailProtection extended key usage, then to be considered technically constrained, it MUST include the Name Constraints X.509v3 extension with constraints on rfc822Name, with at least one name in permittedSubtrees, each such name having its ownership validated according to section of the //Baseline Requirements <https://cabforum.org/baseline-requirements-documents/>//."/

Suggested text:

 I realized that we should also consider the subCA Certificates that contain an EKU extension and have KeyPurposeIDs that are not the id-kp-emailProtection (for email certificates) or id-kp-serverAuth (for server certificates). Here's an updated text to support that.

/"We encourage CAs to technically constrain all intermediate certificates. For a CA certificate to be considered technically constrained for email certificates, //one of the following options must be fulfilled:

//Option A) The CA Certificate MUST include an //Extended Key Usage (EKU) <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section->//extension that SHALL NOT include the id-kp-emailProtection or the /////anyExtendedKeyUsage /KeyPurposeID; or

/Option B) The CA Certificate

- MUST include an //Extended Key Usage (EKU) <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section->//extension that SHALL include the id-kp-emailProtection KeyPurposeID. The values id-kp-serverAuth, id-kp-codeSigning, id-kp-timeStamping, and anyExtendedKeyUsage MUST NOT be present. The value id-kp-clientAuth MAY be present. Other values that the CA is allowed to use, and that are documented in the CA’s CPS MAY be present, and//;

- MUST include a Name Constraints X.509v3 extension with constraints on rfc822Name values, with at least one name in permittedSubtrees, each such name having its ownership validated according to section of the //Baseline Requirements <https://cabforum.org/baseline-requirements-documents/>//./

/For a CA certificate to be considered technically constrained for server certificates, ///one of the following options must be fulfilled/:

//Option A) The CA Certificate MUST include an //Extended Key Usage (EKU) <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section->//extension that SHALL NOT include the id-kp-serverAuth or the /////anyExtendedKeyUsage /KeyPurposeID; or////

Option B) The CA Certificate

/- MUST include an //Extended Key Usage (EKU) <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section->//extension that includes the id-kp-serverAuth KeyPurposeID. The values id-kp-emailProtection, id-kp-codeSigning, id-kp-timeStamping, and anyExtendedKeyUsage MUST NOT be present. The value id-kp-clientAuth MAY be present. Other values that the CA is allowed to use, and that are documented in the CA’s CPS MAY be present, and;

/- //MUST //include a Name Constraints X.509v3 extension with constraints //as described in section 7.1.5 of version 1.3 or later of the //Baseline Requirements <https://cabforum.org/baseline-requirements-documents/>//./

/We encourage CAs not to include more than a single KeyPurposeID in the EKU extension."/

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