> In the status quo of today's requirements, I don't think there's language to 
> support that "So, in terms of the current written requirements today, the 
> ecosystem baseline is that revocation completes the certificate lifecycle."

*       The closest one can argue would be 5.4.3, which allows the shorter date 
of (revocation or expiration), although the record archival still fully exceeds 
the validity period of the certificate
*       We do have explicit language (e.g. 4.10.1) that make it clear that 
revoked certificates still remain operationally in scope for some requirements
*       Nothing prohibits CAs today from updating reasonCodes, and some 
actively do update revocation metadata (e.g. for S/MIME)

Fully agreed on all these points. However, when I say, “the certificate 
lifecycle is complete”, it is from the standpoint of the RP consuming 
revocation data. A CA today can merely update the 
producedAt/thisUpdate/nextUpdate fields of a CRL and OCSP response for a 
revoked certificate today and issue these artifacts in perpetuity without 
changing any other fields, and this would be entirely compliant despite 
potentially new information coming to light that may make additional 
reasonCodes appropriate for the revocation response. Therefore, any user agents 
which make assumptions such that all CAs update reasonCodes today do so at 
their users’ peril; the only reasonable security property that can be drawn 
about the ecosystem today is that “there’s no assurance reasonCodes in OCSP 
responses/CRLs accurately reflect their X.509-defined meanings, nor are they 
updated as the CA becomes aware of additional information after revocation”.


> Aaron's response, I think, focused on "revoke a certificate", but may have 
> missed the context of "revoke a certificate with reason X"; if we say "revoke 
> a certificate with reason X", and it's already revoked, my argument was that 
> the default reading of that would be "update the reason to X, if it's already 
> revoked", as the active form of action, not "no action required".


It has already been clarified by Kathleen that this proposal does not affect 
historical revocations. Additionally, certificate suspension is not a thing in 
the TLS WebPKI, so the act of “revoking a certificate” is a singular action 
(you can’t revoke a certificate “again”). Given this, I don’t necessarily agree 
that “revoke with reasonCode X” also means “update an existing revocation with 
reasonCode X”. The current proposal does not state any post-revocation 
obligations to update revocation metadata, especially since as Aaron pointed 
out, there is no guidance on determining which reasonCode should be used when 
multiple reasonCodes are appropriate.


> 1. Is the CA required to respond with a preliminary report, under 4.9.5?


Yes, the CA is obligated to respond, as it is a “Complaint of suspected Key 
Compromise, Certificate misuse, or other types of fraud, compromise, misuse, or 
inappropriate conduct related to Certificates.”


> 2. Is the CA required to take any action, based on that Problem Report, such 
> as treating it as a known compromised key, as discussed in


If the CA obtains sufficient evidence from the Problem Report that the key is 
compromised, then yes, the key must be treated as compromised and future 
requests with that key must be rejected. However, there is no requirement today 
-- and no requirement in the current proposal -- that would obligate the CA to 
update the reasonCode for the Certificate to “keyCompromise”.


While my opinion is that all revocation data regardless of reasonCode should be 
consumed by user agents such that all Subscriber-initiated revocations are 
properly acknowledged, I realize that may not be desirable by one or more Root 
Programs. If the Root Program expectation is that there is a priority assigned 
to reasonCodes and that the reasonCode should be updated to higher priority 
considering new information, then:

1.      The requirement to update revocation metadata must be made explicit, and
2.      Reason codes need to have priorities assigned so that there is 
universal understanding and consistency across the ecosystem





From: Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com> 
Sent: Monday, February 7, 2022 7:11 PM
To: Corey Bonnell <corey.bonn...@digicert.com>
Cc: r...@sleevi.com; Doug Beattie <doug.beat...@globalsign.com>; Kathleen 
Wilson <kwil...@mozilla.com>; dev-security-policy@mozilla.org
Subject: Re: Revocation Reason Codes for TLS End-Entity Certificates




On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 4:40 PM Corey Bonnell <corey.bonn...@digicert.com 
<mailto:corey.bonn...@digicert.com> > wrote:

> If I understand correctly, you’re pointing out that unless there’s an 
> explicit mandate, the lifecycle is done, while I’m trying to highlight that 
> without an explicit dispensation, the lifecycle isn’t done.

> I suppose this is a variation of “default allow” vs “default deny”, or half 
> empty/half full: we may disagree based on perspective, even when looking at 
> the same thing.


I am unaware of any stated obligation for CAs to update revocation metadata (in 
particular, reasonCodes) after initial publication of the revocation. So, I’m 
struggling to see how it can be argued this is currently a requirement unless 
one subscribes to a “default MUST” reading of requirements, where all possible 
requirements are in force unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Aren't we talking about introducing a requirement/obligation for CAs to ensure 
a certificate is revoked with a particular reasonCode, and thus, implies 
updating the reasonCode?


I think we might have crossed our messages at some point, so to try to 

*       In the status quo of today's requirements, I don't think there's 
language to support that "So, in terms of the current written requirements 
today, the ecosystem baseline is that revocation completes the certificate 

*       The closest one can argue would be 5.4.3, which allows the shorter date 
of (revocation or expiration), although the record archival still fully exceeds 
the validity period of the certificate
*       We do have explicit language (e.g. 4.10.1) that make it clear that 
revoked certificates still remain operationally in scope for some requirements
*       Nothing prohibits CAs today from updating reasonCodes, and some 
actively do update revocation metadata (e.g. for S/MIME)

*       In the context of a hypothetical future requirement (e.g. to revoke a 
certificate with a particular reasonCode), I understood your argument being 
"This doesn't mean you have to update existing revocations"

*       If I understood your proposal correctly, you were saying that the new 
language would have to explicitly state the need to update the revocation code, 
and without that, CAs could ignore existing revocations
*       My response was that I didn't see any language that would support that 
an already revoked certificate (with reason A) wouldn't need to be updated to 
be revoked with Reason B, even in the absence of such an explicit requirement

I suspect we're more in alignment than not, particularly that under the status 
quo today, there isn't such an explicit requirement.

However, where I think we're disagreeing was what degree of new language would 
be needed. I understood you to be arguing that explicit language was necessary, 
but I was suggesting that it wasn't necessary, even if it may be useful 


Aaron's response, I think, focused on "revoke a certificate", but may have 
missed the context of "revoke a certificate with reason X"; if we say "revoke a 
certificate with reason X", and it's already revoked, my argument was that the 
default reading of that would be "update the reason to X, if it's already 
revoked", as the active form of action, not "no action required".


As an example for understanding obligations under the current BRs, let's say 
that a Subscriber has lapsed in their Subscriber Agreement, such that the CA 
revoked it, under paragraph 2, item 3: "The CA is made aware that a 
Subscriber has violated one or more of its material obligations under the 
Subscriber Agreement or Terms of Use;"

Now the CA receives a Problem Report, under 4.9.5, regarding suspected key 
compromise of this certificate.


1. Is the CA required to respond with a preliminary report, under 4.9.5?

2. Is the CA required to take any action, based on that Problem Report, such as 
treating it as a known compromised key, as discussed in


I'm not sure I've got a correct mental model of your position on these two 
questions. If the argument is "the lifecycle is complete", then it seems like 
the answer is "1. No, 2. No" for those two. But I don't think you'd be that 
extreme? So it's unclear if the answer is "1. Yes, to respond it's already 
revoked, and 2. No, because the problem report was deemed invalid because the 
lifecycle is complete" or "1. Yes, to respond it's already revoked, and 2. Yes, 
because it's still knowledge of a key compromise"


I think that may help me understand a bit more the position about whether 
updating a revocation code should be seen as the default action for "Revoke 
with reason X", even if the certificate is already revoked.

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