On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 9:57 PM Ryan Hurst <ryan.hu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jeremy,
> I wanted to respond to your other two comments.
> [JR] That wasn’t proposed language. That was pointing out a flaw in saying 
> “No censorship is allowed”.
> To be clear, my proposed language did not say “no censorship is allowed”. 
> Suggesting so would be what I think most would consider a straw man argument. 
> What I did say, in essence, is that said censorship only when served the 
> legal obligations of the CA or requirements of other root programs.
> This in essence says if a government says we want you to censor people here 
> is the definition we want you to follow. If a root program wants you to 
> censor here is the standard we want you to follow and Mozilla respects their 
> right to do so.
> Basically, there needs to be a clear standard so it is applied uniformly.

I'd like to suggest a more generalized approach to the issue. First
off we should require that the CPS cover in detail who the CA issues
for, and what will lead to non-issuance. That information is important
for evaluating the risk vs. reward of adding a CA. Secondly we should
say that content based restrictions are inappropriate vs. e.g. "we
only serve educational institutions", "we only serve *.ir domains",

Otherwise I think we'll end up debating the merits of a particular
decision endlessly vs. separating into the CPS and whether it was

The other point I want to raise is that if CAs broadly have limited
sets of issuance, we might be in a situation where some websites could
not transition in case of distrust. That would be problematic for the
health of the ecosystem, and is a reason we need to evaluate who CAs
will and will not serve.


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