Duane wrote:
> Alaric Dailey wrote:
>> Remember there are least 2 Free CAs listening and contributing on this
>> list, that means monetary barriers (assuming a steep price from
>> Verisign) won't be an issue for phishers.
> Since phishing exists happily with no SSL, why would they start using
> SSL all of a sudden now that EV's are being discussed?
> This will do very little for security for anyone as it fails to address
> the real problems and tries to attack a niche situation that isn't under
> attack...
> I'm a little confused here, can someone please explain to me how this is
> supposed to help the vast majority of users?
I think you misunderstand....

I don't think EV certs are meaningful AT ALL.

So far I have seen nothing from the Spec that makes me think that anyone
would bother with them... short of IE refusing to use current
certificates, or possibly some dramatic improvement that I have yet to see.
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