Gervase Markham wrote:

> Duane, I must confess you are trying my patience. That is absolutely
> not what I said or meant, and you know it. I'm also getting somewhat
> tired of your sarcastic attitude. Other people manage to make points
> in a constructive fashion.
> Shape up or shut up. Please.

Here is the exact quote from another emailed you penned....

> Hey, here's a thought: if some of these people with cool ideas had
> sat down for six months and fixed a bunch of bugs in the existing
> code, they might have some currency to play with when it comes to
> determining how other coders spend their time. But please don't treat
> that as an "xyz hoop".

So does this mean Verisign and or others offered help with general code
for 6 months or not, and if not why do they get special treatment over
other peoples suggestions?

Again you have failed to answer my questions on how much research and
studies have been conducted to prove this has a clear advantage over
current or alternate schemes.

So I guess you just want me to shut up because you can't answer
definitively and am hoping I just go away because you know how lame this
really is with use security?


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Because is a tax on VoIP

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
    but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
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