Following discussions both in private and at the dev-security mailing list of Mozilla with various participants, we decided to put forward the following initial proposal of a framework for the handling of SSL/TLS and S/MIME digital certificates in Mozilla products. The trigger for this proposal was the controversial EV standard put forward by the CA/Browser forum, which leaded us to believe, that a more radical and somewhat farther reaching change could serve Browser Vendors, Certification Authorities (CA) and Relying Parties better. The basic idea is perhaps not new and similar ideas might have been proposed previously, however we believe, that this is long overdue.


Currently all digital certificates are treated in the same way in todays software. A certificate is considered as valid if:

1.) The certificate is found to be issued by a CA which is in the NSS certificate root store 2.) The certificate is not expired (Within valid boundaries of the from / to dates) 3.) The CN resp. emailAddress field matches the web site address, resp. email address 4.) The certificate is not revoked (provided CRL or OCSP checking is enabled)

If the web site, resp. signed email presents a valid certificate, a padlock is displayed in the address bar / status bar. In all other circumstances a warning dialog is presented to the user, which he has to accept or deny. This includes self signed certificates, certificates issued by an unknown CA, expired certificates. Except in case of certificate revocation, the connection is refused. If a particular web page is found to have unsecured content embedded, such as images or javascript files, than a question mark / crossed padlock is placed instead of the clear padlock.

However the browser / mail client currently can not differentiate between different types of validations performed for the identification of the certificate and presents all certificates in a flat way, e.g. a padlock. This flat system exists since the first implementations of SSL support in browsers and has never been revised. Currently it is the sole responsibility of the issuing CA to which extend a certificate and its holder is validated, which can vary between every CA and within a particular CA itself, as the CA often offers various levels of verification procedures. More than that, any verification above simple domain validation, resp. email validation is almost meaningless, since the low level validations are easier to circumvent, but more thorough verifications are treaded with the same validity. From the subscriber perspective there is almost no reason to perform higher validation because of that and the relying party mostly doesn't know about the extend of the validations performed. Low level validation are effective for the intended purpose and are part of the PKI landscape, however they are often misused for other purposes, where really higher verification should be performed, because of the lack to differ in its validity. This is one of the core problems in current handling of digital certificates in todays software. (Just a by-note, that the proposed EV standard is in many cases an overkill and sets the mark too high for most cases. It will not solve the problem of the current binary flat system, this in addition to other problems about this standard.)

The Mozilla CA policy today requires a minimal set of conditions, which a CA has to meet in order to have its root certificate embedded with the NSS certificate root store of certification authorities. This includes a minimal set of validations which a CA has to perform as the lowest verification procedure. Our proposal centers around the extension of Mozilla CA policy and aims to provide an initial basic framework for the ability to make a distinction between different validation procedures. Within this framework, proposed and future standards can be integrated easily, without the need to change the behavior of the underlying framework and its software. Based on this framework the UI of the browsers and mail clients can be adjusted and improved in future.


We propose to define four different validation levels or classes according to which existing and future verification procedures of CAs can be treated. The levels could be according to the list below, however it's only a suggestion and should be adjusted and refined after thorough discussion by the community:

Level 1:

This is the lowest level and the current minimum requirement of the Mozilla CA policy. Level 1 is domain validated, resp. email validated only, for example by sending an email ping to a administrative mail account of the domain or to the email account in question. No other verifications are performed at this level.

Level 2:

The identity is validated by various means, such as verification of the identity via scanned, photocopied or photographed photo ID documents (passport, identity card, driving license) and company registry, which is then further verified by a lookup at a third party source, such as phone directories and phone call or sending of a registered mail to the address found in the documents provided by the subscriber. This kind of verification is not done in person. Ownership of the domain name, resp. email account is performed according to Level 1. The certificate must state the subscriber name/organization name, locality, state (where applicable) and country.

Level 3:

Additional verifications are performed at this level in relation to Level 2, specially verification of the provided (authentic) documents by the subscriber, establishment of the organization (minimum years of existents), physical address of the organization and proof of ownership of the domain name, resp. email address. The subscriber is verified in person by an agent of the CA or other third party. The proposed EV certificates would most likely fall under this level. The certificate must state the subscriber name/organization name, locality, state (where applicable) and country.

Level 4:

Verification of the subscriber is performed in person including all original documents. The certificate includes government issued passport or identity card number in the OU field, in addition to subscriber name, address, locality, state (where applicable) and country. This level is less suited for organizations, but mostly for individuals.


The Mozilla CA policy will be extended to include the above described definitions. Levels can be assigned by the CA within the subscriber certificate with a specially defined OID by using for example the Mozilla OID space. In this proposal we suggest to leave the definition of levels to the CA, as in any case the CA defines its verification procedures in its own policies. Implementation could be fast in this case and CAs could be advised to assign the corresponding OID to their certificates. For example the OID for a certain level could be:

The Mozilla software can search for this OID in the certificate and accordingly provide different information to the user and handle UI behavior. A different way of implementation could be the inclusion of such an OID at the intermediate CA certificate level, which would perhaps result in easier tracking between the CA policy and assigned level. It might be easier to verify the claims made by the CA concerning the level it assigns to the various intermediate certificates. This would be more difficult in case the OID would be only included in the subscriber certificate. However implementation might be slower in this case as intermediate CA certificates are usually valid for up to ten years.


This proposal provides a solution for the long overdue "binary flat system of the padlock" in browsers for SSL certificates, without special and unnecessary requirements on the parties involved. - Its adoption can be promoted and implemented very fast by both the browsers and the various CAs.
- It supports any current CA policy of all CAs in the NSS cert store.
- Any future standard - including EV - can be simply included within the proposed structure of levels without the need to make any special adjustments to the software. - The liability of Mozilla will be similar to the current system, because the responsibility of assigning and implementation of the different level lies with the CA. However the relying party might - pending implementations of the UI - will receive better information in order to make a fair judgment, without the browser vendor making a decision on behalf of or instead of the relying party. - Additionally all definitions in this proposal are subject to the Mozilla CA policy and under full control of Mozilla. No special bindings to interest groups (such as EV) exists and the Mozilla CA policy is open to the public for review and is free to be implemented by any CA wishing to conform to this policy.

Please note, that this proposal doesn't provide any suggestions concerning the UI, but only provides an underlying framework for CAs and the browser/mail client as a first strategic step. Any UI implementation can be build according to this framework however and we suggest its implementation afterwards.

The proposal is also available as a PDF document at


Signer:      Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
Phone:       +1.213.341.0390
dev-security mailing list

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