Yesterday and this morning I attended a CA/Browser Forum meeting in San
Francisco. Here are some highlights:

- The Forum voting rules were changed. For votes which affect the
contents of the Guidelines, then we will use an IETF-like system where
there is a 5-day review period and then a 7-day vote, with 66% of CAs
and 50% of browsers voting having to approve for the motion to pass. For
other votes, a simple majority of organisations represented is sufficient.

- Following a day's discussion and amendments, and a few more the
following morning, those present passed a motion that Draft 17 (as it
will be) be formally voted on to see if the Forum agrees it should be
version 1.0 of the Guidelines. The new voting rules will be used. The
review period ends on 10th May at 12pm PST; the voting period therefore
ends at the same time on 17th May. If passed, the guidelines will be
immediately binding.

- The last three drafts are available here:
The Guidelines are maintained as a .doc file (sorry). The draft 15
change markers show changes relating to many of our comments, those for
draft 16 show the changes made on the first day of the meeting, and
those for draft 17 relate to the second day.

- I have updated the wiki page with my comments on each issue which was
raised by us, and how it has been dealt with (or not).

- We need to decide whether this draft is good enough to be version 1.0,
or whether there are still things we object to strongly enough to
require further changes.

- I proposed a motion, which passed unanimously, to admit CAs who only
have an ETSI audit to the CAB Forum. This brings the requirements for
Forum membership broadly in line with the criteria for admission to the
Mozilla root store. (An X9.79-1 audit alone will not get you into the
Forum, but I don't know any CA which just has one of those.)

This is a separate issue from allowing CAs with only an ETSI audit to
take and pass an EV readiness audit, and issue EV certificates - but the
auditors and WebTrust representative present at the meeting indicated
their willingness to a) look at how equivalent the two are, and b) see
whether we can separate the WebTrust EV audit criteria out so that other
auditors could audit against them. So progress has been made there too.

- The CAB Forum is considering eventually taking the Guidelines to a
standards body (although not immediately). Two have been suggested as
possibly appropriate - ICANN and the ISO. Suggested ISO subcommittees
were SC27 WG3, authors of the Common Criteria and SC2 (Financial
Services Security). We should decide whether we would like to suggest
other appropriate bodies.


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