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Many of you will know about the problem with weak keys generated on
Debian or Debian-derivative systems between certain dates.[0] This
affects SSL certificates generated on those systems. CAs trusted by
Firefox have signed, and therefore endorsed, many such keys.

Once a hacker finds a server using a weak key, they can use the public
key to find the private key and so MITM or spy on traffic to that server
perfectly. All the relevant security indications will be present. This
negates all security in the SSL model.

Current data indicates that there may be up to 26,000 such keys out
there being used on public websites.[1] We are attempting, through
various channels, to get a firmer number and a list of vulnerable sites.

It seems that CAs are not bothering to contact their customers with weak
keys[1], although they are of course revoking the keys of customers who
ask, and reissuing certificates.[2] Firefox 3 has caching OCSP turned on
by default (with "soft-fail") and so would detect the revocation of
these keys. Firefox 2 does not have OCSP turned on by default. Both
browsers support CRLs, but do not have the capability to download CRLs
from URLs listed in certificates.

Here are some possible options (not mutually exclusive) for what to do:

- Do nothing

Once Firefox 3 is released, many people will upgrade. This means they
will be using soft-fail OCSP, and so will detect attempts to use revoked

However, because CAs are not actively contacting their customers, many
weak keys will still be being used, and we'd have no way to tell if
there was an MITM going on in that case.

This might be a reason to try and expedite pushing Firefox 3 into the
Firefox 2 update channel.

- Modify NSS to detect weak keys

Lists of all the weak keys exist - we could create a database of the
first 8 bytes or so of the hash of each and get NSS to check it when it
sees a key. This would involve a code change to NSS and a security
update. We'd probably want to download the list of weak keys rather than
ship it with the update. NSS would then return an error to the
application if a weak key was found, and the connection would abort.[3]

- Modify NSS/Firefox to detect weak sites

If we can get a fairly complete list of vulnerable sites (which might be
smaller than the hashes of a large number of keys) and their key
fingerprints we could modify Firefox or NSS to refuse to connect to them
until the key changed.

- Add the sites to the malware or phishing feeds

Quite a drastic option, but we could even leverage existing code by
adding the vulnerable sites to the feeds of phishing or malware sites.

- Contact CAs to put pressure on for them to contact their customers

We could use our contacts with CAs to try and convince them to change
their position on customer contact.

- Publish a "CA hall of shame"

If and when we get good data on the extent of the problem, we could try
and shame CAs into doing something. "3% of FooCA-signed certificates are
totally insecure. Is yours one of them?"

- Attempt to contact site owners

But 26,000 sites is a lot. We could try cross-referencing the sites with
Alexa data to get a priority order.

- Turn on OCSP in the next Firefox 2 security release

This might help in the short term, with the same limitations as listed
under "Do Nothing" for the Firefox 3 update. But Firefox 2's OCSP
support is not as complete; it doesn't do caching, and it hard-fails. So
we might melt the OCSP servers, and that would severely degrade the user
experience because no-one could make SSL connections.

- Ship a Firefox 2 update with some built-in CRLs

If OCSP is not an option, the next Firefox update could include static
copies of the various different major CAs' revocation lists from the
period concerned. These would probably be of significant size.

- Something else



[0] http://www.us.debian.org/security/2008/dsa-1571
[1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=435082#c22
[3] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=435082

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