Hi @all,
if I see it correctly, the main problem with including the debian 
blacklists in firefox was size. The inclusion would be important 
because otherwise any server that used a weak cert is vulnerable until 
the cert is revoked in a manner firefox recognizes or until the cert 
expires. There is at least one critical example where this would allow 
attacks on a content distribution provider used by many large 

I managed to get the complete openssl blacklist from 32 MB in 
compressed form to well below 10 MB in ready-to-use format by using a 
binary format that contains only the first few bytes of the hashes. The 
probablility of false positives should be very small, as there are 
1,84E+19 possibilities for the shortened hash and only 1.2E+06 bad 
keys, more on this below. Short: A blacklist of 6 MB would cause some 
but very few false positives, 7.2 MB blacklist size should be enough.

Has this any chance of getting included into the main firefox code? I 
would probably be able to donate a small C++ module that checks a given 
hash against the blacklist very quickly (probably in less than 25 
iterations of a loop with just a few comparisons, a single addition, a 
single blacklist access and a single division inside the loop)

False positive estimation:
According to my estimates, the shortened hashes should lead to the 
following expected numbers of false positives per BILLION random 
"innocent" hashes checked against the list:
less than 0.0001 for a blacklist 9.6 MB in size
0.017 for a blacklist 8.4 MB in size
4.3 for a blacklist 7.2 MB in size
1091 (0.0001% of the checked certs) for a blacklist 6.0 MB in size
over 275000 (0.03%) for a blacklist 4.8 MB in size
and an unacceptable false positive rate of over 7% for a blacklist size 
of 3.6 MB.

My calculations might be wrong, of course. I assumed 1200000 bad certs 
existing, 256^n possible hashes for a length of n bytes per hash (1.2*n 
would be the DB size in MB). Then I just calcluated the approx. 
probability for a false positive p = 1200000 / 256^n and multiplied it 
with one billion.

Binary blacklist generation:
cat openssl-blacklist_0.4.2.tar.gz | gzip -d | tar -xO trunk/blacklists 
| perl -e "while (<>) { if ( m/([a-f0-9]{16})[a-f0-9]{16}$/) {print 
$1.chr(0x0a);}}" | sort | perl -e "use warnings; use strict; 
open(BINBL, '>:bytes', 'binblacklist'); while (<>) { if 
(m/([a-f0-9]{16})$/) { syswrite BINBL, pack('H*',$1);}} close(BINBL);"
(beware of weird hacks to get it working with the windows versions of 
the tools)

Jan Schejbal

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