Thought I'd get involved in the conversation (full disclosure: I'm
involved with the SOMA paper that Terri has been discussing).

The point of both lines of work (both yours and ours) is to attempt to
restrict the number of XSS and XSRF vulnerabilities which exist in the
web today.  We have gone about it in different ways, both of which
have merrit in each of their own areas.  With our approach, the
configuration is centralized, and does not rely on developers to
differentiate between safe and unsafe operations.  With your approach,
the network overhead is less and you allow configuration on a per-page

In terms of the safe vs. unsafe requests, perhaps I can lend some
insight.  The whole reason we have these XSS and XSRF attacks in the
first place is because developers have messed up.  XSS 'can' be solved
by proper input validation, and XSRF attacks 'can' be solved by using
random identifiers in the links that perform an operation or examining
the Referer HTTP header.  The problem is that although solutions exist
to both of these problems, developers have not properly implemented
the solution.  With your approach of SSP and safe requests, you are
again relying on the developer to use the solution correctly, and put
all modifications behind a POST request.  You have not removed the
reliance on the developer to code correctly, just simply shifted it to
a different 'thing' that they have to do.  From previous conversation
with Terri, asking for an example of where a GET request can be used
to affect change on a web-site is asking for us to find a security
vulnerability in a website, since this is basically the definition of
a XSRF.  Large sites are going to be well protected against this type
of thing, but I'm sure if you look at any of the recent CERT
vulnerabilities regarding XSRF or XSS you'll notice that they are all
exploitable through GET requests.  In our work, we realized that the
developer could not be relied upon to do things correctly all the time
and hence we chose the approach of protecting against GET requests.

Related to the POST vs. GET arguments above is the fact that the only
way of doing a POST request currently is by submitting a form.  While
browsers have gotten better at being able to customize the appearance
of a submit button, they are still in no way perfect, and hence some
of the visual style approaches that are possible on things like
<a>...</a> are not possible on the <input> submit element.  The re-
arranging of the text (going from between the opening and closing <a>
element to inside the value attribute of the input element) also
contains several restrictions.  A lot of HTML is usable inside the <a>
and </a> but only plain-text is allowed inside the value attribute of
the input element. This may have potential side-effects for visually
impaired users and other groups as well.  I don't believe we can quite
rely on JavaScript yet to solve this either, as a lot of screen
readers don't support full JavaScript. The way I see it, in order to
make a usable site which is also visually appealing, the only choice
right now is GET.

It would be good to work together to come out with a policy that
protects against XSS and XSRF.  Both our proposals attempt to do this,
but in slightly different ways.  Is it possible to combine features of
both in developing an even better solution?  I'm willing to work with
you to accomplish this goal.

We have posted our code on our website (
software/soma).  We believe our code may be of use to you, as we
encountered some of the same issues in attempting to write a policy
checker add-on.  Your implementation would probably be easier if you
implemented the shouldLoad method of the nsIContentPolicy interface
(and just checked for TYPE_SCRIPT) instead of attempting to parse to
find the <script> tags.  This interface also allows you to easily
implement enforcement of the other headers involved in your proposal.

In conclusion: We need to make sure that SSP benefits developers who
are not security concious (because there SSP will prevent the most
vulnerabilities).  While the temptation is there to assume the
developer will code securely, that assumption is the whole reason we
have XSS and XSRF in the first place.
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