Bil Corry wrote:
> I personally see value there for the website, but if 99.9% of websites
> will never do anything with the header, then it probably isn't
> worthwhile (or it may take version 2 before the need is evident).  The
> big challenge here is making sure the CSP announcement header can not
> be spoofed via XHR, so to that end, I'd recommend prefixing the header
> name with "Sec-" such as "Sec-Content-Security-Policy" -- the latest
> draft of XHR2 specifies that any header beginning with "Sec-" is not
> allowed to be overwritten with setRequestHeader():
> Of course, XHR2 would have to be implemented in the browsers first in
> order to take advantage of the requirement.

My 2c is that if we do this we should do versioning from the get go,
otherwise servers will have a hard time telling CSP v1.0 from CSP
unsupported clients in the future.  On one hand this may waste some
bandwidth now, but then again if it saves the server from sending CSP
responses to clients that don't support it, it may actually save
bandwidth and simplify server logic (since servers will be able to
determine conclusively that CSP is supported, rather than guessing).

> > I don't have a specific use case, I'm thinking more of the edge cases
> where content is allowed from a domain that allows a multitude of
> third-party content.  Maybe this is something to explore for v2 if
> warranted.

I think part of the challenge is that CSP governs a number of different
operations, some of which may be meaningful to restrict to a specific
path but others may not be (i.e. scripting vs asset loading).  If we had
a few specific examples that would help us get our brains around whether
or not enforcing restrictions on a per-path basis would actually be a
contract that is enforcable.

For (a contrived) example, say hosts a number of different
widgets, but wants to restrict loading of iframes from only  If the user happens to have another app from loaded in another window/tab, then in theory content from could script directly into the iframe contain within, bypassing the loading restriction.

That is probably not the best example, but the root of this problem is
that scripting permissions are really still only enforceable on a per
fully-qualified domain name basis, regardless of any loading restrictions.

>>> (3) Currently the spec focuses on the "host items" -- has any thought
>>> be given to allowing CSP to extend to sites being referenced by "host
>>> items"?  That is, allowing a site to specify that it can't be embedded
>>> on another site via frame or object, etc?  I imagine it would be
>>> similar to the Access Control for XS-XHR[2].
>> I would agree with Gerv, that this feels a bit out of scope for this
>> particular proposal.
> Then maybe something to consider down the road.  It would be useful to
> prevent hot linking and clickjacking
> .

I think the primary reason this seems out of scope is that CSP is a
mechanism for servers to govern their own content, rather than
specifying policies for 3rd party content.  The latter seems more like
the domain of Access Control.  Access Control AFAIK is not intended just
for XHR2, so I could image it being extended to govern opt-out of
cross-domain content loading, as well as to opt-in.

Thank you for your feedback btw, it is much appreciated.

> - Bil
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