Nelson Bolyard wrote:
Wildcards are not an essential part of this attack.  They merely were a
convenience for this demonstration, but the attack could have been done
without using a wildcard cert. Even eliminating wildcard certs altogether
would not stop this attack.

>  This being said : Is there already a bug open for this ? The only thing
>  that stops me opening it myself is that it might already exist but be
>  security restricted.

Yes, there is, and yes, it is.

So why is it still security restricted when the problem is out in the open ?

Yes, the way of exploiting the failure without a wildcard cert is apparently not yet out in the open. But :
- it's either a matter of days or hours
- CA are still issuing wildcard certificates, so attackers don't need to know a wildcard is not really required to exploit the failure - I don't expect there will be any effort to try to stop CA from issuing dangerous wildcard certificates, since it won't solve the problem at large.
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