See inline.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Brandon Sterne <> wrote:
> I'd like to take a quick step back before we proceed further with the
> modularization discussion.  I think it is fine to split CSP into modules,
> but with the following caveats:
> 1. Splitting the modules based upon different threat models doesn't seem to
> be the right approach.  There are many areas where the threats we want to
> mitigate overlap in terms of browser functionality.  A better approach,
> IMHO, is to create the modules based upon browser capabilities.  With those
> capability building blocks, sites can then construct policy sets to address
> any given threat model (including ones we haven't thought of yet).

It's unclear to me which organization is better.  I'd be in favor of
picking one and giving it a try.

> 2. The original goal of CSP was to mitigate XSS attacks.

I agree that XSS mitigation is the most compelling use case for CSP.

> The scope of the
> proposal has grown substantially, which is fine, but I'm not at all
> comfortable with a product that does not require the XSS protections as the
> fundamental core of the model.  I think if we go with the module approach,
> the XSS protection needs to be required, and any additional modules can be
> optionally implemented.

I'm not sure it matters that much whether we label the XSS mitigations
"recommended" or "required."  I suspect every browser vendor that
implements CSP will implement them.  If you'd prefer to label them
required, I'm fine with that.

>  I propose that the default behavior for CSP (no
> optional modules implemented) is to block all inline scripts (opt-in still
> possible) and to use a white list for all sources of external script files.

This is a separable issue.  I'm not sure whether it's better to opt-in
or opt-out of this behavior.  Opting-in makes policy combination
easier to think about (the tokens just accumulate).

I'd prefer if sites had to opt-in to the block-eval behaviors because
I suspect complying with those directives will require substantial
changes to sites.

> The script-src directive under the current model serves this function
> perfectly and doesn't need to be modified.  (We can discuss how plugin
> content and CSS, which can be vectors for script, should be governed by this
> core XSS module.)

That depends on whether we decide opt-in or opt-out is better for
controlling inline script and eval-like APIs.

> As a straw man, the optional modules could be:
>  * content loading (e.g. img-src, media-src, etc.)
>  * framing (e.g. frame-src, frame-ancestors)
>  * form action restriction
>  * reporting (e.g. report-uri)
>  * others?

I'd but frame-src in with content loading, but otherwise this seems fine.

> I'm definitely not opposed to splitting apart the spec into modules,
> especially if it helps other browser implementers move forward with CSP.  I
> REALLY think, though, that the XSS protections need to be part of the base
> module.

I don't think it matters that much whether the XSS mitigations are
part of the base module or whether they're in a separate
required/recommended module.  I think the main issue here is making
the spec easy to read.

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