[putting on my IMHO hat]

The threat-model centric approach won't work in the long run for a few reasons:

a) threat models change over time.. nobody was even talking about clickjacking until a few years ago, so had we designed this previously we would have put frame controls under some other category (maybe content loading) b) API's change over time so they can drift between threat groupings... frames are now a potential XSS concern due to postMessage

So now we're looking at framing being potentially controlled by several different "modules": maybe clickjacking, CSRF, content importing, and XSS

CSS is content importing.. oh but IE allows CSS "expressions" so its a XSS vector too.

Threats just don't map to API's in a remotely neat 1 to many relationship. Threat models are also too volatile. Which isn't to say that we haven't been closely considering specific threat models when designing CSP, because we have been. But we intentionally did not build the actual directive names around the threats du jour.

If we are concerned about communication and documentation then we should focus on that problem. Designing a security model primarily around its digestive properties is the wrong goal IMHO. We have lots of time to figure out the best ways of communicating, but we'll be stuck with whatever implementation we come up with initially for a long time. That's the nature of policy-centric mechanisms.. the mechanism should be a generalized method for enforcing policies, and then the effort is on developing sets of policies that achieve particular goals, and with sufficient iteration and testing go on to become common deployment patterns. Trying to bake those in from the get-go seems to assume perfect knowledge of current and future threats.

So a good exercise might be, for a given threat (CSRF, clickjacking, whatever), to document the specific threat model then see whether it could be addressed via the current proposal (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/CSP/Spec ). Maybe that would help us develop the documentation and specifications necessary to better explain the value of the model.

Of course, this is all just MHO.  :)

P.S. Regarding making XSS a mandatory and opt-out module, those might be related things. I think the question is really, when a given user agent or website states that they have deployed CSP, does that really mean anything in a concrete sense?

On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

See inline.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Brandon Sterne <bste...@mozilla.com> wrote:
I'd like to take a quick step back before we proceed further with the
modularization discussion. I think it is fine to split CSP into modules,
but with the following caveats:

1. Splitting the modules based upon different threat models doesn't seem to be the right approach. There are many areas where the threats we want to mitigate overlap in terms of browser functionality. A better approach, IMHO, is to create the modules based upon browser capabilities. With those capability building blocks, sites can then construct policy sets to address
any given threat model (including ones we haven't thought of yet).

It's unclear to me which organization is better.  I'd be in favor of
picking one and giving it a try.

2. The original goal of CSP was to mitigate XSS attacks.

I agree that XSS mitigation is the most compelling use case for CSP.

 The scope of the
proposal has grown substantially, which is fine, but I'm not at all
comfortable with a product that does not require the XSS protections as the fundamental core of the model. I think if we go with the module approach, the XSS protection needs to be required, and any additional modules can be
optionally implemented.

I'm not sure it matters that much whether we label the XSS mitigations
"recommended" or "required."  I suspect every browser vendor that
implements CSP will implement them.  If you'd prefer to label them
required, I'm fine with that.

 I propose that the default behavior for CSP (no
optional modules implemented) is to block all inline scripts (opt- in still possible) and to use a white list for all sources of external script files.

This is a separable issue.  I'm not sure whether it's better to opt-in
or opt-out of this behavior.  Opting-in makes policy combination
easier to think about (the tokens just accumulate).

I'd prefer if sites had to opt-in to the block-eval behaviors because
I suspect complying with those directives will require substantial
changes to sites.

The script-src directive under the current model serves this function perfectly and doesn't need to be modified. (We can discuss how plugin content and CSS, which can be vectors for script, should be governed by this
core XSS module.)

That depends on whether we decide opt-in or opt-out is better for
controlling inline script and eval-like APIs.

As a straw man, the optional modules could be:
 * content loading (e.g. img-src, media-src, etc.)
 * framing (e.g. frame-src, frame-ancestors)
 * form action restriction
 * reporting (e.g. report-uri)
 * others?

I'd but frame-src in with content loading, but otherwise this seems fine.

I'm definitely not opposed to splitting apart the spec into modules,
especially if it helps other browser implementers move forward with CSP. I REALLY think, though, that the XSS protections need to be part of the base

I don't think it matters that much whether the XSS mitigations are
part of the base module or whether they're in a separate
required/recommended module.  I think the main issue here is making
the spec easy to read.

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