Benjamin Smedberg wrote on 11/24/2009 6:30 AM: 
> On 11/24/09 3:16 AM, Bil Corry wrote:
>> Some time ago on the HTML5 list[1], I brought up the problem that there
>> wasn't a straightforward way for a server to determine when the user had
>> closed all windows/tabs.  We eventually came up with the idea of using a
>> "rel" extension[2] to specify a "logout" feature[3]; the browser pings
>> the server when all related windows/tabs are closed.
>> I am soliciting feedback on the idea: is this something that Mozilla
>> would consider adding to Firefox?
> Was it accepted by the HTML5 specification?

HTML5 doesn't accept nor reject rel extensions, it allows anyone to reserve a 
rel extension by editing the HTML5 wiki.  Ian encouraged me to write a spec and 
get vendor support:

> It doesn't sound like a
> particularly useful feature to me, considering that this seems to be mostly
> a solved problem.

You're right, it's mostly solved.  You just have to accept that the user has to 
be idle for X minutes or that the browser has to check in with the server using 
a small delta between requests (significant traffic).  The type of problem I'm 
trying to solve is one like this: A web application allows the user to hold a 
resource while browsing the site (e.g. concert tickets, airline seats, 
conference room, inventoried items).  The web application wants to release the 
resource as soon as possible should the user leave the site.  How does the 
server know when the user leaves the site?  The current method is it makes the 
assumption that if the user is inactive for X minutes, then log out the user 
and release the resources.  But that creates a lag of X minutes.  If it's a hot 
inventory item, that means it's unavailable to sell to someone else for X 

>> Currently, the only way that I'm aware of to determine when a user has
>> closed all related windows/tabs is by having the browser poll the server
>> at a regular interval, and once the polling stops, the server knows the
>> user is no longer actively using the site.
> Why exactly do you need to know when the user has closed all related
> windows/tabs? How is this better than just timing out the user's session if
> they haven't made a request in 30 minutes, and doing an occasional poll if
> the user is in a long-running task such as editing a document?

This feature isn't for every site, only sites that wish to equate the user 
action of closing all windows/tabs with the user being logged out.  I 
anticipate that financial institutions would be interested in knowing when 
their users have left their site.  I believe most financial institutions today 
have a short expiration, then query the user when it's about to expire to see 
if they want to prevent logging out.

FWIW, if Firefox expired transient cookies and HTTP Authentication when all the 
related windows/tabs were closed, I don't think we'd need this proposal.

> The spec says same-origin, but doesn't define whether that means eTLD+1 or
> actual specific origin. What kinds of loads would "prevent logout"? Would
> images loaded as <img>? Images loaded as documents? Frames loaded in another
> site's toplevel window? PDFs, videos, or other non-HTML documents loaded in
> a browser window (i.e. via the Acrobat plugin)?

All good questions, I don't have any answers yet.  I first wanted to see if 
Firefox would consider supporting it before spending too much time on it.

> Must the logout URL be same-origin with the site?

Yes, the spec already requires this, although it may be poorly worded: "The 
href attribute must point to the same origin as the current document."

> My initial reaction is that we would not implement this feature, but let
> sites solve this problem, if it must be solved, using existing technologies.

Thanks for the feedback!

- Bil

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