On 02/09/2010 11:50 PM, David E. Ross:
On 2/6/2010 7:04 AM, Eddy Nigg wrote:
Isn't it about time that extensions and applications get signed with
verified code signing certificates? Adblock Plus is doing for a while
now I think, perhaps other should too?

Because this isn't really comforting:

I just now noticed that this discussion was not cross-posted to
mozilla.dev.extensions.  Should not input from extension developers be

I'm now cross-posting this reply to mozilla.dev.extensions with
follow-ups back to the newsgroups where this originally appeared:
mozilla.dev.security and mozilla.dev.security.policy.

And here just another reason to sign (addon) code: http://blog.ivanristic.com/2010/02/firefox-extension-installation-process-vulnerable-to-mitm-attack-.html

Apparently this is going to be fixed, the next issue will come up for sure...


Signer:  Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
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